Adrian Andone


Graduate of the Academy of Theatre and Film, Târgu Mureș, class of 1992

Actor of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova since 1992

Roles at the National Theater "Marin Sorescu" Craiova

Stepan Stepanovici Ciubukov, Luka- Două povești de amor după A.P. Cehov, regia Mircea Cornișteanu

He – "Old Snows" by Dumitru Solomon, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2022 - 2023, premiere June 24, 2023

Hastings"Richard III" by William Shakespeare, directed by Bocsárdi László, season 2022-2023, premiere May 28, 2022

Man 2 / the second bourgeois / doctor 6 / He / Jean – "The game of slaughter" by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Beatrice Rancea, premiere October 29, 31, 2021

Jonathan/ Toby/ Bobby – „Face to face” by Peter Quilter, directed by Adrian Andone, season 2020-2021, premiere 5 June 2021

Oren - "Operation Mars" by Alexa Băcanu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu, season 2019-2020, premiere 18 September 2019

General D (Successor of Aias) – “Aias. Essay on dementia"after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, season 2018-2019, premiere September 21, 2018

Apemantus / Theseus - "Athens by Night-Nop Athenians" by William Shakespeare, directed by Charles Chemin, 2017-2018 season, premiere 30 March 2018

Ion – „Năpasta” by Ion Luca Caragialeregia Kincses Elemer, stagiunea 2017-2018, premiera 25 noiembrie 2017

Tudor - "The table of our powers" by Petre Barbu, directed by Vlad Drăgulescu, 2017-2018 season, reading performance December 12, 2017

Father of the Fiancee - "Bloody Wedding" by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri, season 2016-2017, premiere February 26, 2017

Schaff - "A month in the country" by Ivan Sergheevici Turgheniev, directed by Cristi Juncu, season 2016-2017, premiere October 11, 2016

Pavel Windisch - "The Other Country" by Herta Muller, directed by Alexandru Istudor, 2016-2017 season, premiere December 17, 2016

Iuliu Caesar - “Iulius Caesar” by William Shakespeare, directed by Peter Schneider, season 2015-2016, premiere April 17, 2016

Hitler - "Eva Braun's Revolt" by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, directed by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, 2015-2016 season, reading show January 23, 2016

Dorn – ,,Pescărușul” de Anton Pavlovici Cehov, regia Yannis Paraskevopoulos (Grecia), stagiunea 2014-2015, premiera 5 decembrie 2015

Tinoleti – ,,Ospiciul Local” de Flavius Lucăcel, regia Mircea Cornișteanu, stagiunea 2014-2015, spectacol lectură 24 aprilie 2015

Emil - "Breaking" by Răzvan Petrescu, directed by Dragoş Alexandru Muşoiu, season 2014-2015, premiere January 17, 2015

He / Man / Journalist / American - "America at Home" by Mircea M. Ionescu, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2014-2015, reading show December 10, 2014

The engineer - "He even said it, with his hand" by Cornel Udrea, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2013-2014, reading performance April 16, 2014

The Hindu - "You want to be God's friend" by Daniel Bănulescu, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2013-2014, reading show February 22, 2014

Barney Daycash - "The Last Hot Lover" by Neil Simon, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu, season 2012-2013, premiere April 13, 2013

Magistrate - “Lysistrata” by Aristophanes, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos (Greece), season 2012-2013, premiere February 23, 2013

Macbeth - "Shakespeare's Apocalypse" by William Shakespeare, directed by Janusz Wiśniewski (Poland), season 2012-2013, premiere December 22, 2012

Brînzovenescu - ,, A lost letter ” by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu, season 2012-2013, premiere October 13, 2012

Crăcănel - ,, D’ale carnavalului ” by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Berceanu, season 2011-2012, premiere May 10, 2012

Alonso - "A Storm" by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete, 2011-2012 season, premiere February 18, 2012

Finn Tomason - “Thieves” by Dea Loher, directed by Alina Rece, 2011-2012 season, premiere October 9, 2011

Parolles / Steward - "Everything's fine when it's over and it's good by William Shakespeare, directed by Tim Carroll (UK), 2010-2011 season, premiere May 15, 2011

Mettelus - "Caligula" by Albert Camus, directed by Lászlo Bocsárdi, 2010-2011 season, premiere March 21, 2011

Verșinin Aleksandr Ignatievici - "Three Sisters" by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by Andreas Pantzis (Cyprus), 2009-2010 season, premiere March 21, 2010

Hamlet – ,,Doar Hamlet” after "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, screenplay and direction by Alina Rece, season 2009-2010, premiere May 2, 2010

Eumen / Laerte - "Odyssey" by Homer, directed by Tim Carroll (UK), season 2009-2010, premiere June 7, 2009

Dom Juan - "Dom Juan" by Molière, directed by Cornel Todea, 2008-2009 season, premiere December 6, 2008

Governor / Hangul - "The Man from La Mancha" musical by Dale Wasserman, music by Mitch Leight, lyrics by Joe Darion, directed by Cezar Ghioca, season 2008-2009, premiere November 1, 2008

Claudio - "Measure for Measure" by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete, season 2007-2008, premiere March 1, 2008

Pierre Frochard - "The Two Orphans" by Adolphe D'Ennery, directed by George Ivaşcu, season 2007-2008, premiere September 16, 2007

The Mechanic - "My Mother Sings in the Lighthouse" by Gilles Granouillet, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2006-2007, premiere May 26, 2007

Pedagogue - "Medea" by Euripides, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos (Greece), 2005-2006 season, premiere April 15, 2006

Iaşi - "Cherry Orchard" by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by Alexa Visarion, season 2005-2006, premiere January 15, 2006

Lorenzo - "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos (Greece), 2005-2006 season, premiere September 17, 2005

Professor Udrea - "The Nameless Star" by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Şerban Puiu, season 2004-2005, premiere April 16, 2005

The Builder - "The Story of Good Intentions" by John Elsom, directed by Anca-Maria Colţeanu, season 2004-2005, premiere November 14, 2004

Vaska Pepel - "Night Asylum" by Maxim Gorky, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2003-2004 season, premiere November 29, 2003

Clark - "Arturo Ui's Rise Can Be Stopped" by Bertold Brecht, directed by Kincses Elemér, season 2003-2004, premiere September 14, 2003

The Psychiatrist - "The Woman in the Cage" by Mircea-Radu Iacoban, directed by Anca-Maria Colţeanu, season 2002-2003, premiere May 30, 2003

Tranio - "Taming the Scorpion" by William Shakespeare, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2002-2003, premiere March 16, 2003

The Master of the Horse - "The Man with the Mole" by George Ciprian, directed by Nicolae Scarlat, season 2002-2003, premiere September 21, 2002

Adrian - "The Complete Works of WLM ŞXPR" by Jess Borgesson, Adam Long and Daniel Singer, directed by Petre Bokor, season 2000-2001, premiere March 23, 2001

Iordache - "D'ale carnavalului" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2001-2002, premiere February 10, 2002

Luka Lukici Hlopov - "The Auditor" by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, directed by Claudiu Goga, season 2001-2002, premiere October 28, 2001

Bibi / Doica - ,, Suitor Kings ” by Dumitru Radu Popescu, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2000-2001, premiere March 18, 2001

Pantalone - "Gossip Carnival" after Carlo Goldoni, directed by Vlad Mugur, season 2000-2001, premiere October 14, 2000

Saturninus – ,,Perpetua şi Felicitas” dramatic script and direction Tudor Chirilă, season 1999-2000, premiere February 12, 2000

Brighella / Mim VII / assistant director - "Servant to Two Masters" by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Vlad Mugur, 1998-1999 season, premiere May 22, 1999

Spiridon - "A Stormy Night" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Daniela Peleanu, 1998-1999 season, premiere March 27, 1999

Alcipiades - "Timon of Athens" by William Shakespeare, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu, season 1998-1999, premiere December 19, 1998

The Gendarme - "Careul" by Constantin Voiculescu, directed by Constantin Dicu, season 1998-1999, premiere September 15, 1998

Oreste - "Orestia" after Aeschylus, directed by Silviu Purcărete, season 1997-1998, premiere May 15, 1998

Iordache Brânzovenescu - "A Lost Letter" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by M. Cornişteanu, season 1997-1998, premiere September 9, 1997

The Tourist / Musician Lucignelo - "Pinocchio in Venice" by Edward Carey, directed by Robert Delamere, season 1996-1997, premiere May 9, 1997

Laertes - "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, directed by Tompa Gabor, 1996-1997 season, premiere January 5, 1997

Captain Richard Hartwel - "Dark Realms" by Harding Lemay, directed by Tom Ferriter, 1996-1997, premiere November 9, 1996

Sacchi / Truffaldino - "Carlo contra Carlo" by Paul Ioachim, directed by Daniela Peleanu, season 1995-1996, premiere March 3, 1996

Mr. Brécourt / Horatio - "Versailles Improvisation" after Molière, screenplay and direction by Daniela Peleanu, 1994-1995 season, premiere June 10, 1995

The Escape - "A Meal of Honor" by George Astaloş, directed by Ion Ardeal-Ieremia, season 1994-1995, premiere December 15, 1995

Benjamin/Mr. Pilkington - "Animal Farm" musical by Peter Hall, based on the novel by George Orwell, directed by Cristian Hadjiculea, season 1993-1994, premiere September 20, 1994

Efeb, companion of Hippolytus - "Phaedra" after Euripides and Seneca, screenplay and direction by Silviu Purcărete, season 1992-1993, premiered in Vienna, June 8, 1993, in collaboration with Feestwochen from Vienna, Austria, and the premiere at the TNC headquarters was on June 29, 1993

Allan - "Try Again Sam" by Woody Allen, directed by Ilir Bokshi, season 1992-1993, premiere January 19, 1993

Pişlică - ,,… escu ” by Tudor Muşatescu, directed by Daniela Peleanu, season 1992-1993, premiere September 17, 1992


Roles at other theatres 

Richard III – ,,Richard III”  de William Shakespeare, regia Gelu Badea, 23 septembrie 2017, Teatrul Dramatic ,,Ion D. Sirbu” Petrosani

The dog angel – ,,Ghenosse Frankenstain” script and direction by Mihai Măniuțiu, 1999-2000, co-production Weimar, Cultural Capital of Europe 1999, with Act Theater and Odeon Theater, Bucharest

Petruchio - "The Stubborn Woman" de William Shakespeare, 1997-1998, Teatrul Elvira Godeanu, Tg. Jiu

Kokicariov   ,,The marriage " by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, directed by Cristian Juncu, premiere: March 16, 1995, Elvira Godeanu Tg-Jiu Dramatic Theater


Roles during college

Janek – Makropoulos Recipe by Karel Capek, directed Adriana Piteșteanu

The Guard – The King Dies by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Dan Alexandrescu

Sorescu – ,,Există o vrăjitoare de serviciu în orice Shakespeare”, script and direction by Radu Dobre Basarab

Onek – ,,Garbus” by Slawomir Mrozek, directed by Dan Alexandrescu „Block-hause” by Sica Alexandrescu and Musatescu, directed by Radu Basarab

Henrich – "The Empty King" by Evgheni Śvarţ, directed by Tudor Chirilă, National Theater Tg. Mures


Participation in international festivals


Cankarjev Dom Theater, Ljubljana, Slovenia - "Rhinos" by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson

Platonov Arts Festival, Voronezh, Russia - "Rhinos" by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson

Shakespeare International National Festival, Craiova - “Iulius Caesar” , by William Shakespeare, directed by Peter Schneider

Mihai Eminescu National Theater, Reunion of Romanian National Theaters, 2nd edition "The Seagull" by Anton Pavlovici Chekhov, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos


International Theater Festival – IzmirTurkey – ,,A storm” by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete

THEATERSTOK International Festival of Performing Arts – Bacău, România – ,,A storm” by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete


International Shakespeare Theater Festival – Tel Aviv – ,,A storm” by William Shakespeare, directed by: Silviu Purcărete


"Varna Summer" International Theater Festival Bulgaria – ,,A storm” by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete

International Shakespeare Festival from Gyula, Hungary – ,,A storm” by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete

International Shakespeare Festival in Gdansk, Poland – ,,A storm” by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete

European Festival of Performance Timișoara, Romania – ,,A storm” by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete

International Theater Festival in Sibiu, Romania - "A storm" by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete

2011: Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest, Hungary – „Caligula” de Albert Camus, regia Bocsardi Laslo

International Classic Theater Festival XVII Edition, Arad, România – "All's well that ends well" by William Shakespeare, directed by Tim Carroll

2010: A VII-a ediţie a Festivalului internațional ,,Shakespeare Festival” Craiova, România – „Doar Hamlet” after "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, written and directed by Alina Rece

2009: The 13th edition of the Ancient Greek Drama Festival in Nicosia, Cyprus – „Medeea” by Euripide, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos

2008: International Shakespeare Festival, Bucharest, Romania – "Measure for Measure" by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete.

International Shakespeare Festival in Gyula, Hungary – "Measure for Measure" by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete.

International Shakespeare Festival in Gdansk, Poland – "Measure for Measure" by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete – 2 performances.

EURO-FACE ART International Festival Iaşi – "My Mother Sings in the Lighthouse" by Gilles Granouillet, directed by Alexandru Boureanu.

2007: Adana International Theater Festival, Turkey – Romeo and Julieta by William Shakespeare, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos

Festivalul Teatrelor din Sud-Estul Europei, Salonic, Grecia – „Medeea” by Euripides, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos B-FIT, international festival held in Bucharest

2006: BITEI Chisinau FestivalRepublic of Moldova – Romeo and Julieta by William Shakespeare, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos (Greece)

2003: Chisinau (Moldova) Eugen Ionescu, BITEI Biennial Theater"The Reviewer" by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, directed by Claudiu Goga, scenography by Lia Dogaru.

1999: Euroscene Festival in Leipzig, Germany – „Phaedra” after Aeschylus and Euripides, directed by Silviu Purcărete.

Festival of the European Theater Convention in Nice, France – "The Checker" by Constantin Voiculescu, directed by Constantin Dicu, scenography by Viorel Penișoara-Stegaru.

1998: International Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland – "Orestia" after Aeschylus, directed by Silviu Purcărete.

1997: Seoul National Theatre, Seoul Theater of Nations Festival, South Korea – „Phaedra” after Aeschylus and Euripides, directed by Silviu Purcărete.

1995: Riverside Studios, Festivalul international de Teatru de la Londra (LIFT), Anglia – „Phaedra” after Aeschylus and Euripides, directed by Silviu Purcărete,

Dancehouse, Manchester (Anglia) – „Phaedra” after Aeschylus and Euripides, directed by Silviu Purcărete, award-winning show,

Theater Municipal, Avignon Festival, France – "Ubu Rex with Scenes from Macbeth" after Alfred Jarry and William Shakespeare, directed, scripted and set by Silviu Purcărete

1994: Convento do Beato, Lisbon Theater Festival, Portugal – Cultural Capital of Europe (1994) – „Phaedra” after Aeschylus and Euripides, directed by Silviu Purcărete.

1993: Festival Theater der Welt, Munich, Germany – „Ubu Rex with scenes from Macbeth" after Alfred Jarry and William Shakespeare, directed, scripted and set by Silviu Purcărete


Participation in national festivals


Piatra Neamț Theater Festival "Pledez pentru TINE(RI)", 28th edition - "Spargerea" after Răzvan Petrescu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu,


The Toma Caragiu Theater Festival –  Ploieşti – „Spargerea” by Răzvan Petrescu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu

Festivalul Comediei Românești festCO ediția a XIII-a – „Spargerea” by Răzvan Petrescu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu

INTER FEST – Râmnicu Vîlcea – 5th edition – „Spargerea” by Răzvan Petrescu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu.

Festivalul Național de Teatru – București – ediția a XXV-a – „Spargerea” by Răzvan Petrescu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu

2014 National Theater Festival - "Rhinoceros" by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson

2013 Toma Caragiu Theater Festival, Ploiesti – "A lost letter" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Mircea Corniștenu

2012 National Theater Festival - XXII edition – "Measure for Measure" by William Shakespeare, directed by Silviu Purcărete

2011 Bucharest National Theater Festival XXI edition - "Caligula" by Albert Camus, directed by Bocsárdi Lászlo, „Totu-i bine când se sfârşeşte cu bine” by William Shakespeare, directed by Tim Carroll

2010 Bucharest National Theater Festival 20th edition –  „Odyseia” based on Homer, directed by Tim Carroll

2007 Arad National Classical Theater Festival – "Medeea" by Euripides, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulus.

Bucharest National Theater Festival – "Burgundy Orchard" by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by Alexa Visarion


Artistic direction

Screenplay and direction - "Who digs... that's it" after Ion Băieșu and William Shakespeare 2017

Screenplay and direction - "Here are some Romanians too" after "Europe to the bearer" by C. Udrea 2016

Screenplay and direction - "A letter" after Ion Luca Caragiale 2013

Screenplay and directing - "If you ask for bonuses, you know or take care of what you want"

Directed - "Jacques or submission" by Eugene Ionesco 2009

Directed - "Family Stories" by Biljana Srbljanovic 2008


Assistant Director 

Assistant Director "Servant to Two Masters" by Carlo Goldoni 1998, directed by Vlad Mugur


Honors and awards

2023 – Award for male performance, leading role for the role of El in the performance Old Snows by Dumitru Solomon, director: Mircea Cornişteanu, National Theater " Marin Sorescu" Craiova, offered by the theater magazine "Rinocerul"



,, The dramatic text - Foundation of the pedagogical-scenic vision in the relationship with the student actor ” - Annals of the University of Craiova - Arts Series - Year I, Nr.1, 2010, ISSN: 2068-4754, 7p
"The Word" - Annals of the University of Craiova - Arts Series - No. I, No. 2, 2010, ISSN: 2068-4754, 5p


Movie and TV 

"Master Manole" - directed by Olimpia Arghir

"The Jesters" - directed by Sergiu Ionescu

"The Tent" - directed by Bogdan Cristian Dragan

"Poor man rich man" - TV series

"Those who float" - directed by Mircea Danieluc