Bobi Pricop

Roles in the current season

He directed



  • University of Arts in Târgu-Mureș – PhD student – Theater and Performing Arts, starting in 2020
  • National University of Theater and Cinematography (UNATC), Bucharest – Master's Degree – Theater Directing, 2011–2013 (prof. Ducu Darie's class)
  • National University of Theater and Cinematography (UNATC) Bucharest – Theater director, 2008–2011 (clasa prof. Tudor Mărăscu)
  • "Spiru Haret" University Bucharest – Faculty of Theater – Actor's Art, 2005–2008 (clasa prof. Sanda Manu)


  • Artistic Director – "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre, Craiova, 2014-present
  • Associate teaching staff – Babeș Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2022-present



  • Coordinator & curator, din 2019 până în prezent, al THEATER NETWORKING TALENTS, Festival Internațional dedicat Tinerilor Regizori, organizat de Teatrul „Marin Sorescu”, Craiova (spectacole de teatru, dezbateri, workshopuri, concerte, perspective perfomative etc.);
  • Director of the opening ceremony of the ProgramTIMIțOARA 2023, the European Capital of Culturewith an outdoor event in Unirii Square and one in the Palace of Culture;
  • Director of the opening & closing festivities of the Sibiu International Theater Festival 2022: spectacular show with over 200 drones and lasers;
  • Directorfor the UNITER Awards Gala 2020 (special edition, organized outdoors, at Teatrul de Văra, in Craiova) and 2021 /strong>(National Theater "I.L. Caragiale", Bucharest);
  • Coordinator and moderator of the performance-reading module within FNT 2022, and moderator of the performance-reading module within the Sibiu International Theater Festival, 2021 & 2022
  • Director of the Celebrity Gala, within FITS 2021 & 2022, awarding event for national and international artists



"Unrest" by Ivan Vyrypaev, "Odeon" Theater, Bucharest, 2023

"Solaris" by Stanislaw Lem, "Excelsior" Theatre, Bucharest, 2023

"Digital territories and borders", Virtual Reality experience for high school students, 4Culture Association, Bucharest, 2022

"The Son" by Florian Zeller, "Regina Maria" Theatre, Oradea, 2022

„Blasted” de Sarah Kane, Teatrul „Andrei Mureșanu” Sfântu Gheorghe, 2022

"Dragons"- direction & interactive installation concept, text: Andrei Dósa, Gong Theatre, Sibiu, 2022

„#acedesiguranță”, dramaturgy: Ionuț Sociu, the TikTok social network and: "Marin Sorescu" National Theater Craiova, "Andrei Mureșanu" Sfântu Gheorghe Theater, Constanta State Theater and Northern Theater Satu Mare, 2022

"Betrayal" by Harold Pinter, Târgu-Mureș National Theatre, "Liviu Rebreanu" Company, 2021

"Here", dramaturgy Kali Ágnes and Ștefan Baghiu, National Theater "Radu Stanca" Sibiu, within the European project "LIBERTY", 2021

"The Iranian Conference" by Ivan Vîrîpaev, Radu Stanca National Theatre, Sibiu, 2021

"Z Day" by Ionuț Sociu, Constanța State Theatre, 2021

"The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Gong Theatre, Sibiu, 2020

"Live", dramaturgy – Thomas Perle, Radu Stanca Theatre, Sibiu (German Section), 2020

"In the same boat" by Dirk Kurbjuweit and Petra Wüllenweber, radio theater performance - Ideo Ideis, 2020

"Exeunt", texts by Lavinia Braniște, Cluj Creation and Experiment Reactor, 2020

„Work. No Travel” by Mihaela Michailov, after "Tur-retur" by Zoltán Rostás and Sorin Stoica, Replika Educational Centre, 2020

"Beginners" by Tim Crouch, Bucharest National Theatre, 2020

„Radio” by Eric Bogosian, Marin Sorescu National Theatre, Craiova, 2019

"Terror" by Ferdinand von Schirach, Târgu-Mureş National Theatre, Liviu Rebreanu company, 2018

"Against Freedom"  by Esteve Soler, reading performance, Marin Sorescu National Theatre, Craiova, 2018

Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe, European project, initiated and coordinated by the PAV Cultural Association from Rome (Italy), performances – reading, 2016 – 2019

"The Author" by Tim Crouch, National Theater "Marin Sorescu", Craiova, 2017

"The war hasn't started yet" by Mikhail Durnenkov, "Toma Caragiu" Theater, Ploiesti, 2017

"An oak tree" by Tim Crouch, Youth Theatre, Piatra Neamț, 2017

"Kepler-438B" by Guillem Clua, Odeon Theatre, 2016

"The tiger in our city" by Gianina Cărbunariu, Matei Vișniec Theatre, Suceava, 2016

"Bull" by Mike Bartlett, "Ioan Slavici" Classical Theatre, Arad, 2016

"A strange incident with a dog at midnight" based on a novel by Mark Hadden, adaptation by Simon Stephens, National Theater of Bucharest, 2016

"Green cat" by Elise Wilk, Luceafărul Theatre, Iasi, 2015

"Ashes Afar" by Andreea Borţun, Vanner Company, Edinburgh Fringe, 2015

"Illusions" by Ivan Vîrîpaev, National Theater "Marin Sorescu", Craiova, 2015

"Ritual murder of Gorge Mastromas" by Dennis Kelly, "Regina Maria" Theater, Oradea, 2015

"Against love" by Esteve Soler, Teatrul Tineretului, Piatra Neamţ, 2014

"We were three sisters" by José Sanchis Sinisterra, performance-reading Theater L.S. Bulandra, Bucharest, 2014

"Rhinoceros" by Eugen Ionesco, directed by Robert Wilson, at the National Theater "Marin Sorescu", Craiova - assistant director, 2014

"Profu' de religion" by Mihaela Michailov, at the National Theater "Marin Sorescu", Craiova, 2013//show taken over by Romanian Television, 2015

"In the moon"by Alfredo Sanzol, performance-reading Cervantes Institute, Bucharest, 2013

"Amalia respire profondèment"by Alina Nelega, Theater Les Déchargeurs, Paris, 2013 // performance participating in the Avignon Festival 2014 - OFF

"Against progress"by Esteve Soler, Teatrul L.S. Bulandra, Bucharest, 2013

"Humpty Dumpty" by Eric Bogosian, Classical Theater "Ioan Slavici", Arad, 2011

"Games in the backyard" by Edna Mazya, UNATC license exam, show taken over by Act Theater Bucharest, 2011;

Invited performance in: Semaine des cultures étrangères à Paris 2011, VedeTeatru Gala Buzău 2011, Toma Caragiu Theater Festival Ploiesti 2011, ContempranIS Iasi Festival 2011, Galati International Student Theater Festival 2011, Classfest 2012 Chisinau, FDR FDR Timisoara 2012, Arad Underground Festival 2012, Sibiu International Theater Festival 2012, Festival Demoludy Olsztyn Poland, FNT Bucharest 2012 (Ioana Manciu, "Young Hope" award), SkupiFestival Macedonia 2012, Festival for the Young Audience Iaşi 2013.

"Apolodor" after Gelu Naum, performance realized within the project Theatre in Orphanages - 2010/2011

"Don Giovanni", directed by Beatrice Rancea at the Iasi National Opera 2010 - assistant director



"Z Day" by Ionuț Sociu, Constanța State Theatre, 2021

  • UNITER Award for Best TV Drama/Teleplay(2022)

"A strange incident with a dog at midnight" based on a novel by Mark Hadden, adaptation by Simon Stephens, National Theater of Bucharest, 2016

  • Award for Best Show at Excelsior Teen-Fest, 2017
  • Nomination for "Best Director" at the UNITER Awards Gala, 2017
  • Awards for direction and best show, at the Oradea Short Theater Festival, 2016
  • The prize for the theater section in the Radio Romania Cultural Gala, 17th edition

"Green cat" by Elise Wilk, Luceafărul Theatre, Iasi, 2015

  • Nomination for "Best Director" at the UNITER Awards Gala, 2017
  • Award of excellence at the Impuls Festival, Bucharest, 2015

"Ashes Afar" by Andreea Borţun, Vanner Company, Edinburgh Fringe, 2015

  • The award for the best show, the best actress (Crissy O'Donovan) and the dramaturgy award at the Bucharest Fringe festival

" Against progress" by Esteve Soler, Teatrul L.S. Bulandra, Bucharest, 2013

  • Nomination for the award for the best show at the Oradea Short Theater Festival 2013

"Professor of religion"by Mihaela Michailov, at the National Theater "Marin Sorescu", Craiova, 2013

  • Audience Award (2nd place) at the Biennale of Dramaturgy "New plays from for directing at the Short Theater Festival, Oradea, 2014
  • Award for directing at the "Excelsior Teenfest" Festival, Bucharest, 2015
  • The special prize of the jury at the National Comedy Festival, Galați, 2015
  • Actress Romanița Ionescu nominated for supporting role at the UNITER 2014 awards

"Backyard Games" by Edna Mazya, UNATC BA Exam

  • Award for Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress in the UNATC Alumni Gala, 2011
  • The award for directing at the Independent Theater Festival "Undercloud" Bucharest, 2012
  • The award for directing at the Oradea Short Theater Festival, 2012



  • "Iulian Vişa" Award, Sibiu International Theater Festival, 2021
  • Included, since 2017, on the list of candidates for the European Prize for Theater - Theatrical Realities

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