
Graduate of the University of Craiova, Department of Arts, Performing Arts Department Acting

Actor of the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater in Craiova since 2017

Roles at the National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova

CharactersReconstitution, text and direction Catinca Drăgănescu

The Lost Intern – "The Anomaly" by Joanna Kowalska, directed by Natasza Soltanowicz, premiere October 20, 2023

He - "Old Snows" by Dumitru Solomon, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2022 - 2023, premiere June 24, 2023

Val,re – „Avarul” by Molière, directed by Felix Alexa, season 2022-2023, premiere 15, 16 Oct. 2022

Lyngstrand – "The Woman of the Sea" by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Andriy Zholdak, season 2021-2022, premiere February 5, 2022

Storyteller – @acedesiguranță, by Ionuț Sociu, directed by Bobi Pricop, 2021-2022 season, premiere January 23, 2022

The Actor, The Greyhound, Backing, The Dog, A Village Man, People and Dogs – “Dog with Man. Dog without man." by Lia Bugnar, Dan Coman, Simona Goshu, Maria Manolescu, Oana Pellea, Radu Tudoran and Radu Afrim, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2021-2022, premiere October 9, 2021

Last dance of the dragonfly by Cornel Mihai Ungureanu, directed by Florin Caracala, season 2020-2021, premiere June 19, 2021

Bogdan/ other characters - "Heart and other meat dishes" by Dan Coman, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2020-2021, premiere October 3, 2020

Cătălin - "The Serpent's Outfit" by Marius Aldea, concept, artistic direction and choreography Andrea Gavriliu, season 2019-2020, premiere June 19, 2020

Voices on the phone/bar appearance - "Radio" by Eric Bogosian, directed by Bobi Pricop, season 2019-2020, premiere December 14, 2019

Items – “Good news. Final!" by Davide Carnevali, directed by Alexandru Dabija, season 2019-2020, premiere November 10, 2019

Georges Jaquet – „1,2,3…Bébé” by André Roussin, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2019-2020, premiere September 28, 2019

Buddha Boy - “House with Meerkats” by David Drábek, directed by Radu Afrim, 2018-2019 season, premiere April 20, 2019

Paul – „White Room” by Alexandra Badea, directed by Florin Caracala, season 2018-2019, premiere December 19, 2018

Soldier – “Aias. Essay on dementia" after "Aias" by Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, season 2018-2019, premiere September 21, 2018

Amazon/ Demetrius – „Nopți ateniene” after William Shakespeare, directed by Charles Chemin, season 2017-2018, premiere March 30, 2018

Orgon/ Bėjart – „Fȇȇte” after Molière, directed by Andreea Ciocîrlan, season 2017-2018, premiere February 17, 2018

Gheorghe - "The Scourge" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Kincses Elemer, season 2017-2018, premiere November 25, 2017

A young man - "Gaiţele" by Alexandru Kiritescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2017-2018, premiere September 22, 2017

Cutter 3 - "Bloody Wedding" by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri, 2016-2017 season, premiere February 26, 2017

Nejc Novak/ Andras – „Spațiul privat” collage of texts, directed by Rick St. Peter, 2016-2017 season, premiere 18 May 2017

Clitandre – "The Deceived Husband" by Molière, directed by Bocsárdi Lászlo, season 2016-2017, premiere December 10, 2016

In chorus "Clouds" by Aristophanes, directed by Hakob Ghazanchian, season 2016-2017, premiere November 27, 2016

Menelau/ Pilade – "The Orestes Project" text adaptation after Euripides' "Orestes", directed by Laurentiu Tudor, season 2016-2017, premiere November 17, 2016

Denis "Explosive" by Elise Wilk, directed by Andrei Măjeri, season 2015-2016, premiere January 16, 2016


Other roles

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Parrabbola company, directed by Philip Parr, Craiova, 2016.


College roles

Raskolnikov – “Crime and Punishment” by Feodor Dostoyevsky

Voicu – "Mady - Baby.edu" by Gianina Cărbunariu

Andrei – "Strong Souls" by Camil Petrescu

The Grove - "PRESENT" , an improv show

Ivanov – “The Chekhov Family” after Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Faulkland – „Rivalii” by Richard Sheridan

Pants – “Love put to the test” by Basilio Locatelli

Don Adriano de Armado – „Zadarnicele Chinuri ale Dragostei” by William Shakespeare

Oreste – monologues from Aeschylus and Euripides

Miscellaneous Roles– “Batrachomiomachia” by Homer

Edmund – “King Lear” by William Shakespeare, Undergraduate Performance.

Hamlet – „Hamlet” by William Shakespeare


Professional experience

- Volunteer at the International Shakespeare Festival 2014 (runner at the Vahtangov Theater troupe)

- Popularity Award at Grand Spoof 2013

- Invited to the International Independent and Amateur Theater Festival "FRINGE" - Sibiu 2015

- Participant in the "AKTOR" workshops given by Cătălin Băicuș

- Amateur actor at the band "FACEACT" of the House of Culture of Students from Craiova 2012-2014

- Entertainer at Hotel Afrodita in Herculane, 2015

- Collaborating actor at the “Marin Sorescu” National Theater in Craiova, 2015, 2016.

- Presenter of the World Poetry Festival "Mihai Eminescu", 2016


Participation in international festivals

- Invited with the plays "King Lear" and "Romeo and Juliet" at the International "Shakespeare" Festival, 2016

- Invited with the song "King Lear" at the International Festival "FURORE" in Stuttgart, 2016


Participation in national festivals

- Invited with the song “King Lear” at the “vedeTEatru” Festival in Buzău, 2016

- Invited with the song "King Lear" at the "FIST" Festival in Suceava, 2016