Graduate of the University of Craiova, Department of Theater Arts, class of 1999
Actor of the National Theater "Marin Sorescu" in Craiova from July 2022
Other functions performed at theNational Theater "Marin Sorescu" in Craiova
Spiridon – O joacă furtunoasă after I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun
The storyteller - "Human stupidity" after Ion Creangă, text by Bogdan Ulmu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, premiere 20.12.2023
The commissioner's colleague - "Sand birds" by Cristi Nedelcu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun, season 2023 - 2024, premiere October 6, 2023
Amar – "The Choice"play in one act written in Versoix by Their Majesties King Michael I and Queen Ana, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun, season 2022-2023, premiere November 18, 2022
Paco / Barber / Squire of the Knight of Mirrors - "The Man of La Mancha" by Dale Wasseermann, directed by Cezar Ghioca, season 2008-2009, premiere November 1, 2008
Functions performed at other institutions
Roles at Romanian Opera Craiova
Găluscă - "Peter Pan" musical for children in two acts by James Matthew Barrie, music by Laurentiu Profeta, libretto by Eugen Rotaru; artistic direction Migry Avram-Nicolau, assistant artistic direction Carmen Roibu, scenography Rodica Garștea, choreography Floriean Constantin, assistant choreography Lelia Vais, 2022
Fănică - "Uite tate, nu e tata" musical comedy, artistic direction Arabela Tănase, 2019
Contele Peter Homonay – „Voievodul Țiganilor” operetta in three acts based on the story "Saffi" by Jokai Moor, music by Johann Strauss, libretto by Ignaz Schnitzer, libretto translation by Migry Avram-Nicolau, musical direction by Traian Ichim, artistic direction by Arabela Tănase, stage design by Răsvan Drăgănescu, choreography by Laurențiu Nicu, concertmaster Dan Bozgan, Maria Cristiana Stan musical training, 2017
Miska - "Silvia" operetta in three acts, music by Emmerich Kálmán, libretto by Leo Stein, Bella Jenbach, strong>András Kürthy, musical director Alexandru Iosub, artistic director András Kürthy, scenography Răsvan Drăgănescu, musical preparation Maria Cristiana Stan, 2014
The Officer - "The Barber of Seville" opera in three acts, music by Gioachino Rossini, musical direction by Alexandru Iosub, artistic direction by Arabela Tănase, scenography by Răsvan Drăgănescu, musical preparation by Corina Stanescu, 2012
Roles at Teatrul Liric „Elena Teodorini” Craiova
Fernand de Champleatreux – „Mam’zelle Nitouche” operetta in three acts, music Florimond Hervé, libretto Henri Meilhac, libretto Arthur Millaud, musical direction Florian George Zamfir, artistic direction Carmen Roibu, scenography Sorin Novac, choreography Lelia Vais, musical preparation Maria Cristiana Stan, 2007
Regele – „AIDA” opera in four acts, music by Giuseppe Verdi, musical direction by Florian George Zamfir, artistic direction by Tamas Ferkay, scenography by Răsvan Drăgănescu, choreography by Răzvan Mazilu, musical preparation by Corina Stănescu, 2007
The Storyteller - "Peter Pan" musical for children in two acts by James Matthew Barrie, music by Laurenţiu Profeta, libretto by Eugen Rotaru, artistic direction by Migry Avram-Nicolau, assistant artistic direction by Carmen Roibu, scenography by Rodica Garștea, choreography Floriean Constantin, choreography assistant Lelia Vais, 24.03.2005
Leopold Brandmeyer– "La Calul Bălan" operetta in two acts after a play by Oscar Blumenthal and Gustav Kadelburg, music by Ralph Benatzky, libretto by Hans Muller , libretto translation by George Mihalache, libretto translation by Val Săndulescu, libretto translation by Migry Avram-Nicolau, musical direction by Florian-George Zamfir, artistic direction by Migry Avram-Nicolau, scenography by Rodica Garștea, assistant artistic direction by Ioan Kelemen, choreography by Ioan Kelemen, choirmaster Pavel Shopov, 04.11.2004
Prinţul Yamadori – „Madama Butterfly” opera in three acts based on the tragedy of David Belasco, in turn a dramatization of a short story by John Luther Long, music by Giacomo Puccini, libretto by Luigi Illica, libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa, musical direction by Vadim Munster, musical direction by Florian-George Zamfir, artistic direction by Pierre- Alexandre Jauffret, scenography Pierre-Alexandre Jauffret, assistant artistic direction Arabela Tănase, assistant scenography Răsvan Drăgănescu, costumes Patricia Vatre, choreography Ioan Kelemen, choirmaster Pavel Şopv, 14.10.2004
Ion Ghica /Anton Pann – „Dramă la mănăstire” opera in one act (three scenes) based on the novel by the writer Sava Ionescu, music by Constantin Ungureanu, libretto by Petre Gigea-Gorun, musical direction by Florian-George Zamfir, artistic direction by Arabela Tănase, set design by Răsvan Drăgănescu, choreography by Ioan Kelemen, concertmaster Dan Bozgan , musical training Corina Stănescu, choir master Pavel Şopov, 04.03.2004
The wolf - "The road is long, the story is short" musical for children in one act, music by Florin Comișel, libretto by Cezar Ţipa, artistic direction by Ioan Kelemen, choreography by Ioan Kelemen, scenography by Sorin Novac, scenography assistant Răsvan Drăgănescu, musical training Corina Stănescu, 04.10.2003
Vicontele Cascada - "The Merry Widow" operetta in two acts based on the comedy "The Embassy Attaché" by Henri Meilhac, music by Franz Lehăr, libretto by Victor Léon, libretto by Leo Stein, translation libretto by Giuseppe Visciglia, adaptation libretto by Giuseppe Visciglia , musical direction Florian-George Zamfir, artistic direction Giuseppe Visciglia, assistant artistic direction Arabela Tănase, scenography Răsvan Drăgănescu, choreography Emilian Barteș, concert master Francisc Klein, concert master Dan Bozgan, choir master Pavel Şopov, musical preparation Corina Stănescu, 17.06.2003
Commissioner - "Traviata" opera in three acts (four scenes) based on the novel "The Lady with Camellias" by Alexandre Dumas-son, music by Giuseppe Verdi, libretto by Francesco Maria Piave, musical direction by Gaetano Soliman, artistic direction by Arabela Tănase, scenography Răsvan Drăgănescu, choreography Emilian Beclin, concert master Dan Bozgan, choir master Pavel Şopov, musical preparation Corina Stănescu, 23.10.2002
Karl - "Countess Maritza" operetta in three acts, music by Emerich Kalman, libretto by Julius Brammer, libretto by Alfred Grunwald, musical direction by Florian-George Zamfir, orchestral arrangement by Marius Hristescu, concertmaster Dan Bozgan, artistic direction Migry Avram-Nicolau, scenography Răsvan Drăgănescu, assistant artistic director Ioan Kelemen, choreography Ioan Kelemen, choreography Mirela Popescu, choirmaster Pavel Şopov, musical training Corina Stănescu, musical training Maria Cristiana Stan, 24.04.2002
The Prisoner - "Tosca" opera in three acts based on Victor Sardou's drama, music by Giacomo Puccini, libretto by Luigi Illica, libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa, musical direction by Corneliu Calistru, artistic direction by Stelian Negoescu, assistant artistic direction by Arabela Tănase, scenography Răsvan Drăgănescu, choir master Pavel Şopov, musical training Corina Stănescu, choir conductor Eugenia Manole, 20.02.2002
The bad fairy - "Sleeping beauty" musical for children in two acts after the fairy tale of the same title by Charles Perault, music by Marius Ţeicu, libretto by Silvia Kerim, artistic direction Migry Avram-Nicolau, scenography Răsvan Drăgănescu, assistant artistic director Arabela Tănase, choreography Ioan Kelemen, 26.06.2001
Louis de Flavigny – „Mam’zelle Nitouche” operetta in three acts, music by Florimond Herve, libretto by Henri Meilhac, libretto by Arthur Millaud, musical direction by Alexandru Racu, artistic direction by Dorel Stoia, set design by Sorin Novac, choreography by Ioan Kelemen, musical preparation by Corina Stănescu, musical preparation by Maria Cristiana Stan, 30.09.1998
Contele Peter Homonay – „Voievodul ţiganilor” operetta in three acts based on the story "Saffi" by Jokai Moor, music by Johann Strauss, libretto by Ignaz Schnitzer, libretto translation by Migry Avram-Nicolau, musical direction by Traian Ichim, artistic direction by Migry Avram-Nicolau, scenography by architect Cătălin Ionescu-Arbore, master of choir Pavel Şopov, choreography Ioan Kelemen, concertmaster Dan Bozgan, musical preparation Corina Stănescu, 13.03.1997
Pappertz – "Regina carnavalului" operetta in three acts, music by Emerich Kalman, libretto by Migry Avram-Nicolau, libretto by Flavia Buref, musical direction by Alexandru Iosub, artistic direction by Migry Avram-Nicolau , scenography Sorin Novac, choir master Constantin Ungureanu, choreography Ioan Kelemen, 15.04.1995
Dr. Blind - "Liliacul" an operetta in three acts based on the short story "Le Reveillon" by Henri Melhac and Ludovic Halevy, music by Johann Strauss, libretto by Karl Haffner, libretto by Richard Genée, musical direction by Alexandru Iosub, artistic direction by Valentin Ciobotea, scenography by Sorin Novac, choirmaster Constantin Ungureanu, choreography by Anca Tudor, 11.02.1995
Corbul - " Muşketarii măgăriei saale" musical in two acts, music by Constantin Ungureanu, libretto by Ion Lucian, artistic direction by Ioan Kelemen, scenography by Sorin Novac, choreography by Ioan Kelemen, 15.01.1995
Iosif - "Poveste de Crăciun"musical for children in one act, libretto Aura Vais, artistic direction Alexandra Mircea, scenography Sorin Novac, scenography Tamara Grama, choreography Lelia Tican,21.12.1994
Pomerol – "Bal la Savoy"a play in three acts, music by Paul Abraham, libretto by Alfred Grunwald, libretto by Fritz Lohner- Beda, libretto by George Mihalache, musical direction by Alexandru Iosub, artistic direction Ioan Babeș, artistic direction Ioan Kelemen, scenography Iuliana Preduț, scenography Sorin Novac, choirmaster Constantin Ungureanu, choreography Ioan Kelemen, 28.11.1993
Alcindoro – „Boema” opera in four acts, music by Giacomo Puccini, libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa, libretto by Luigi Illica, musical direction by Giovanni Bartoli, artistic direction by Giuseppe Visciglia, scenography by Vasile Buz, scenography by Lilly Roglia, choir master Constantin Ungureanu, 05.10.1993
The Bear - "The Naughty Singer" musical for children in two acts, music Constantin Ungureanu, libretto Ion Lucian, artistic direction Constantin Ungureanu, scenography Sorin Novac, choreography Lelia Tican, 01.02.1993
Bear - "Adventures in the forest" a performance for children in two acts, music by Constantin Ungureanu, libretto by Miruna Marin, artistic direction by Maria Voronca, scenography by Sorin Novac, choreography by Maria Voronca, 01.07.1991
Luni-Vineri: 11:00- 19:00
Sâmbătă: 12:00- 19:00
Duminică: închis