Liviu Topuzu

Roles in the current season

He directed


Graduate of the University of Arts Târgu Mureș, class of 1996, majoring in acting, class prof. Sergiu Dan Pop și Ion Săsăran

2010 - Master in Directing - University of Arts, Targu Mures

2010 - PhD - U.N.A.T.C. "I.L. Caragiale" - Bucharest

1998 - 2000 - Employee Artistic Production Director - "IONIA" Company for the shows "Paracliserul", "Rătăcitorii"

1998 - 2000 - Expert-teacher at the School of Arts in Targu Mures 

-Currently, PhD. Lecturer at the Department of Performing Arts at the University of Arts, Târgu Mureș

Roles at the National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova

Tim - "Bang" by Marius von Mayenburg, directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu, season 2018-2019, premiere 5 June 2019

Soldier - "Aias. Essay on dementia" after "Aias" by Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, 2018-2019 season, premiere 21 September 2018

Father - "The Snail Saviors" by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, directed by Bogdan Cristian Dragan, 2017-2018 season, premiere 20 January 2018


Roles at other theatres

– Teatrul Național from Târgu Mureș

Posterhouse – „Bigamul” by Ray Cooney

The Lampagiul - "The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Ologul – „Amorphe D’ Ottenburg” by A. Grunberg

Crăcănel – „D-ale carnavalului” by Ion Luca Caragiale

The Troubled Citizen - "A Lost Letter" by Ion Luca Caragiale

Norocov – „The forest” by Nicolaevici Ostrovski

The Paraclete - "The Paraclete" by Marin Sorescu

Antonio - "Marriage of Figaro" by Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Basilio – „Burattino” by Alexei Tolstoy

The Blackbird - "The Snow Maiden" after Hans Christian Andersen, directed by A. Stefănescu

Ettienne - "Winners" by François Archambault, directed by Radu Dinulescu

Stelaru - "Mandache and transition" by Zeno Ghițulescu, directed by Dan Glasu

The Journalist/ The Blind Man/ The Doctor/ The Bottle Bum - "The One-Winged Man" by Matei Vișniec

Improvisation Championship - Improshow, directed by Vlad Massaci

Sir - "The Garbage Man" by Mimi Cornel Brănescu

Freddy – „Scandal în culise” de Michael Frayn, directed by C. Ioan

The poet - "The Land of Happiness" by Tudor Musatescu, directed by Cornel Popescu

Bagot - "Richard II" by William Shakespeare, directed by Mihai Manolescu

Claudio - "Measure for Measure" by William Shakespeare, directed by Cristian Theodor Popescu

Ernest – „Ofer camera student” de Louis Velle, directed by Raluca Iorga Mândrilă

Xavier - "Empire Makers" by Boris Vian, directed by Anca Bradu

"A Stormy Night" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu

The dog - "The Little Match Girl" after Hans Christian Andersen, directed by D. Popa

Luka - "The Bear", Suffleur - "Swan Song", Lomov - "Request în căsătorie” de Anton Pavlovici Cehov, directed by Traian Costea

"Don Quixote and Sancho Panza" by Mikhail Bulgakov, The Grandfather - "Jacques or submission" by Eugéne Ionesco, directed by Marius Olteanu


– Teatrul „Ararat” Baia Mare

The Chief Prosecutor - "TAXI-VINIL" by Alina Nelegadirected by Luisa Brandsdoerfer


– Teatrul „Ariel” Târgu Mureș

Pampon - "Carnival's Ale", directed by Claudiu Pintican

Ion - "The Plague" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Liviu Topuzu

Cațavencu - "A lost letter" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Cătălin Chirilă

The Patron - "The Emancipation of Prince Hamlet" by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, directed by Marius Oltean

The Man - "The Case of Pintea the Brave"script and direction Gavriil Pinte


– Teatrul Municipal Baia Mare

Improviser - Moderator in "Improshow with improspectors"


– Teatrul „Bulandra” București

The Indian - "The Indian wants în Bronx” de Israel Horovitz


Film roles

2015 – Haralambie – „Fixeur”, directed by Adrian Sitaru

2014 – Attorney General - "Chuck Norris vs Communism", directed by Ilinca Călugăreanu

2011 – The painter - "The language of the bell" or "The Dancer", directed by Ioan Cărmăzan

2005 – Priest at Reception­ – „Visit of the Archbishopi”directed by Zoltan Kamondi

2002 – Raul Castro – „Roumania” by Molnar Bencze

2000 – The waiter - "Philanthropy", written and directed by Nae Caramfil

1995 – Pompistul – „Asphalt tango”, written and directed by Nae Caramfil

1993 – Mânzatu - "It's dangerous to lean out", written and directed by Nae Caramfil


Roles in short films

2007 – Priest - "Three days", directed by Theo Marton

2007 – Hitchhiker  Pilgrimage", directed by Mark Hansen


Artistic direction of shows

2014 – „ZoOm PoolitikOm” after "Assembly of Women" by Aristophanes, Baia Mare Municipal Theatre

2014 – "Improshow with improspectors", Baia Mare Municipal Theatre

2012 – "The plague" by Ion Luca Caragiale, Municipal Theatre Baia Mare

2011 – "Loneliness îin four" - radio theatre, U.A.T. Târgu Mureș

2011 – „Fontana di Trevi” or The truth exposed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Studio Theatre U.A.T. Târgu Mureș

2009 – „Bigudiuri” by Mimi Cornel Brănescu, U.A.T. Târgu Mureș

2008 – „YouTube - a crazy girl by Viorel Cojanu, reading performance, "Ariel" Theatre Targu Mures

2007 – "Gentleman with top hat" poetry theatre, texts Ion Potolea

2007 – „Strangerhouse” by Brian Dykstra, reading performance, "Ariel" Theatre, Targu Mures

2004 – "Don Juan dies like everyone else" by Teodor Mazilu

2003 – „Fontana di Trevi” by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

2002 – "Wedding." by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

2001 - "Rhythm of sonnets" after William Shakespeare, Vasile Voiculescu, George Topîrceanu

1999 – "Wanderers", original script, "IONIA" Syncretic Art Company, Târgu Mureș

1996 – Paraclete" by Marin Sorescu

1995 – „Wolf Child" by Shuji Terayama, Studioul de Balet Contemporan „METAREAL” Târgu Mureş

1994 – Destiny", original script, Contemporary Ballet Studio "METAREAL" Târgu Mureș


Film direction

2015  "Journey" - short film

Roles at the National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova

Tim – BANG de Marius von Mayenburg, directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu

Soldat – AIAS de Sofocle, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu

Gagarin – Tatăl – SALVATORII MELCILOR de Bogdan Cristian Drăgan, directed by Bogdan Cristian Dragan

Roles played in other theatres

National Theatre from Târgu Mureș

Posterhouse -“BIGAMUL” by Ray Cooney

Lampagiul – “MICUL PRINŢ"by A. de Saint-Exupery

Ologul -”AMORPHE D’OTTENBURG” by A. Grunberg

Crăcănel – “D-ALE CARNAVALULUI  by I.L.Caragiale

Cetăţeanul turmentat – “O SCRISOARE PIERDUTĂ” by I.L. Caragiale

Norocov - "THE FOREST" by N.Ostrovski

Paracliserul -“PARACLISERUL” by Marin Sorescu

Antonio - "NUNTA LUI FIGARO" by P.A.C. de Beaumarchais

Basilio -BURRATINO by Alexei Tolstoy

Cioroiul – CRĂIASA ZĂPEZII after H.C. Andersen, directed by A. Stefănescu

Ettienne – CÂŞTIGĂTORII by Fr. Archambault, directed by R. Dinulescu

Stelaru – MANDACHE ŞI TRANZIŢIA by Zeno Ghițulescu, directed by Dan Glasu

Ziaristul, Orbul, Medicul, Vagabondul cu sticla – „OMUL CU O SINGURĂ ARIPĂ”, by Matei Vişniec,

Improv Championship - improshow, directed by Vlad Massaci

Domnul – GUNOIERUL by M. C. Brănescu

Freddy – “SCANDAL ÎN CULISE” de M. Frayn, directed by C. Ioan

Poetul – “ŢARA FERICIRII” de T. Muşatescu, directed by C. Popescu

Bagot – “RICHARD AL II-LEA” de W. Shakespeare, directed by Mihai Manolescu

Claudio – “MĂSURĂ PENTRU MĂSURĂ” ” de W. Shakespeare, directed by Christian Teodor Popescu

Ernest – “OFER CAMERĂ STUDENT” de Louis Velle, directed by Raluca Iorga Mândrilă

Xavier in "THOSE WHO MAKE EMPIRES" by B. Vian, directed by Anca Bradu

"A STORMY NIGHT" by I.L.Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu

Câinele – “FETIŢA CU CHIBRITURI” după H.C. Andersen, directed by D. Popa

Luka – “URSUL”, Sufleurul- “CÂNTECUL LEBEDEI”, Lomov – “CERERE ÎN CĂSĂTORIE”, de A.P. Cehov, directed by Traian Costea

"DON QUIJOTE AND SANCHO PANZA" by M. Bulgakov, Grandfather in "JACQUES SAU SUPUNEREA" by E. Ionesco, directed by Marius Olteanu


Theatre "Ararat" Baia Mare

Procurorul-şef – TAXI-VINIL de Alina Nelega, r. Luisa Brandsdoerfer


Ariel Theatre, Targu Mures

Pampon – D’ALE CARNAVALULUI, directed by Claudiu Pintican

Ion – NĂPASTA, de I.L Caragiale, directed by Liviu Topuzu

Cațavencu – O SCRISOARE PIERDUTĂ by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Cătălin Chirilă

Patronul – EMANCIPAREA PRINȚULUI HAMLET by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, directed by Marius Oltean

Omul – CAZUL PINTEA VITEAZULscript and direction Gavriil Pinte


Baia Mare Municipal Theatre

Improvizator – Moderator în ”IMPROSHOW CU IMPROSPECTORII”

Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest

The Indian in "THE INDIAN WANTS INTO BRONX" by I. Horovitz

Film roles

2015 – Haralambie – FIXEUR, directed by Adrian Sitaru

2014 – Procurorul General- ”CHUCK NORRIS VS COMUNISM”, directed by Ilinca Călugăreanu

2011 – The painter - "LANGUAGE OF THE CLOPOT"  or ”THE DANCER", directed by Ioan Cărmăzan

2005  – Priest at Reception­ – „ ARCHBISHOP'S VISIT” , directed by Zoltan Kamondi

2002 – Raul Castro – “ROUMANIA”  by Molnar Bencze

2000 – The waiter- " FILANTROPICA" – scenariul şi regia Nae Caramfil

1995 – Pompistul – “ASPHALT TANGO” – scenariul şi regia Nae Caramfil

1993 – Mânzatu- "IT'S DANGEROUS TO SPLASH" – scenariul şi regia Nae Caramfil

Roles in short films

2007 – Preotul – TREI ZILE directed by Theo Marton

2007- Hitchhiker– PILGRIMAGE directed by Mark Hansen

Artistic direction of shows

2014 ”ZoOm PoolitikOm” after Aristophanes' Women's Assembly,Baia Mare Municipal Theatre

2014 ”IMPROSHOW with IMPROSPECTORS- Baia Mare Municipal Theatre

2012 ”NĂPASTA" by I.L. Caragiale, Baia Mare Municipal Theatre

2011 ”FOURSOME LONELINESS" - radio theatre, U.A.T. Târgu Mureș,

2011 ”FONTANA DI TREVI or THE TRUTH EXPOSED" by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Studio Theatre - U.A.T.T.Târgu. Mures

2009 „BIGUDIURI" by M. C. Brănescu, U.A.T. Târgu Mureș. Mures

2008 „YOU-TUBE, A CRAZY GIRL" by Viorel Cojanu, reading performance, Ariel Theatre, Targu Mures

2007 „DOMN CU JOBEN” poetry theatre, texts Ion Potolea

2007 „STRANGERHORSE" by Brian Dykstra, reading performance, Ariel Theatre, Targu Mures


2003  „FONTANA DI TREVI”  by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

2002 „THE WEDDING” by A.P. Cehov

2001 "RHYTHM OF SONNETS" after W. Shakespeare, V. Voiculescu, G. Topîrceanu

1999 "WANDERERS" - scenariu original – Compania de Artă Sincretică “ IONIA” Târgu Mureş

1996  PARACLISERUL” – by Marin Sorescu

1995 “ COPILUL LUP ” – by Shuji Terayama, – Contemporary Ballet Studio "METAREAL" Târgu Mureș

1994 “ DESTINY " – scenariu original – Studioul de Balet Contemporan “METAREAL” Târgu Mureş

Film direction

2015 – TRAVEL - short film

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