
Graduate of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters and History, Department of Theatre Arts - Acting, class Prof. univ. Remus Margineanu, class of 1999

Actor of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova since 2016

Roles at the National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova 

Vestitorul din Corint Oedip rege, by Sofocle, regia Declan Donnellan

CharactersReconstitution, text and direction Catinca Drăgănescu

Jupân Dumitrache Titircă Inimă Rea – O joacă furtunoasă after I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun

The Employee, The Man Out of Time – "The Anomaly" by Joanna Kowalska, directed by Natasza Soltanowicz, premiere October 20, 2023

Statue- "Old Snows" by Dumitru Solomon, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2022 - 2023, premiere June 24, 2023

Mr. Simion - "The Miser" by Molière, directed by Felix Alexa, season 2022-2023, premiere Oct. 15, 16. 2022

Tyrel – "Richard III" by William Shakespeare, directed by Bocsárdi László, season 2022-2023, premiere  28 mai 2022

The Messenger - "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles, directed by Declan Donnellan, season 2022-2023, premiere 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 May 2022

Doctor Wangel / Doctor Wangel - "The Woman of the Sea" by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Andriy Zholdak, season 2021-2022, premiere February 5, 2022

Man 1 / the jailer / the municipal official / He – "The Slaughter Game" by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Beatrice Rancea, premiere October 29, 31, 2021

Suspect 3 - "Where is my soul?" dramatic scenario by Norbert Boda based on texts and poems by Marin Sorescu, directed by Norbert Boda, season 2020-2021, premiere December 19, 2020

Ben Jonson/ Birmingham/ Corăbierul pirat – „Vărul Shakespeare” by Marin Sorescu, directed by Radu Boroianu, 2020-2021 season, premiere 29 November 2020

Tutilă/ Soomer/ Bura/ Taurul – "Farewell, Europe!" by Ion Desideriu Sîrbu, directed by Bogdan Cristian Drăgan, season 2018-2019, premiere June 27, 2019

Gianni – „Under (Re)Construction” by Marco Tesei, directed by Alex Teodorescu, season 2018-2019, premiere 19 April 2019

P.P.Carp – „100 pentru România” documentary theatre, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, performance on the occasion of the Centenary of the Great Union, 01 December 2018

General – „Aias. Eseu despre demență” after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, season 2018-2019, premiere September 21, 2018

Preotul – „Bătrânul și eutanasierul” by Ionel Bușe, directed by Vlad Drăgulescu, 2017-2018 season, premiere 20 June 2018

Caragiale - "Two Lots" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Nicolae Poghirc, season 2017-2018, premiere February 13, 2018

Ianache Duduleanu- "Gaițele"by Alexandru Kiriţescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2017-2018, premiere September 22, 2017

Strepsiades - “Clouds” by Aristophanes, directed by Hakob Ghazanchyan, 2016-2017 season, premiere November 27, 2016

Flavius - “Iulius Caesar” by William Shakespeare, directed by Peter Schneider, 2015-2016 season, premiere April 17, 2016


Roles at other theatres

Ipistatul "D'ale carnivalului" by Ion Luca Caragiale;

Fencing Master "Jourdain the Crooked" by Mikhail Bulgakov;

The fat manThe painting” by Eugéne Ionesco;

The presenter "The bald singer" by Eugéne Ionescu;

Trufaldino – "Comedy" by M Negrescu;

Farfuridi- "A lost letter"by Ion Luca Caragiale;

Gianela – "Huhurezu" by C.M. Cecchi;

Aristarchus – “The Suicide” by Nikolai Erdman;

Director "Forbidden City" by Isidor Chicet;

Robert "The Parrot"by Robert Thomas

Iancu "Friend from France"by Nicolae Kiriţescu;

Professor Mureşan "Bivolițele" by Ion Desideriu Sîrbu;

The Slipped Man "Water Metronome" by Dumitru Velea;

Ivan"Ivan Turbincă" by Ion Creangă;

Gheorghe "Năpasta" by Ion Luca Caragiale;

Tom The Glass House by Tennessee Williams;

Jean "Miss Julia"by August Strindberg;

Jean "Silver Wedding"by Anthony Swerling;

Cavalerul di Ripafratta – “Hangita” by Carlo Goldoni;

Konstantin "Serena and Victoria" by Alexsandr Galin;

Helmer "Nora"by Henrik Ibsen;

Solange "Chambers" by Jean Genet;

King Zeus "Gâlceava deilor" by Radu Stanca;

Kocikariov "Marriage" by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol;

Petruchio – “The Taming of the Shrew” by William Shakespeare;

Mat Burke "Anna Christie" by Eugene O'Neill;

Semion Semionovich Potiekalnikov "Suicide" by Nikolai Erdman

Sir Francis Bacon/ Nostradamus/ Lazarus Tuker  "Elizabeth I" by Paul Foster.

The Other "Outside, in front of the door"by Wolfgang Borchert.

William Harrison "Napoleon was a girl" by Sică Alexandrescu after Margaret Mayo

Prospero "This story will never be told"by Radu Macrinici.

The Reporter "FridaKahlomania"by Alexander Hausvater.

Falstaff "Long live Bacchus and Amor" by Constantin Dicu

The Father Eddy the Whore by Jerome Robart.

Judge Mendels “The Seven Who Could Not Be Hanged”by Bengt V. Wall.

Dad “The Lifespan of Washing Machines”by Elise Wilk.

Creon "Antigone" by Sophocles.

Otto The Rustle of Leaves by Franz Xaver Kroetz

Mythical "Last stop in paradise" by Valentin Nicolau

Polonius   „Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Victor – Emmanuel Chandebise/ Poche "Flea in the ear" by Georges Feydeau

The Father "The Game of Life and Death in the Ash Desert" by Horia Lovinescu

Mr Duval "The Lady with the Camellias" by Alexandre Dumas son

Domnul  „Gunoierul” by Mimi Cornel Brănescu


Roles performed in faculty

Jafet "The Ark of Good Hope" by Ion Desideriu Sîrbu

Gogu – "Fools under the moonlight" by Teodor Mazilu

Jim– “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennessee Williams

Treplev  „Pescăruşul” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Loevborg  „Hedda Gabbler” by Henrik Ibsen

Botisor (The Wall) "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakspeare

Lysander A Midsummer Night's Dreamby William Shakspeare

Peter "Romeo and Juliet"by William Shakespeare

Parties "Twelfth Night" by William Shakspeare

Starbuck The Man Who Brings the Rain by Richard Nash

The Duke The Cavemenby William Saroyan

Volodea – "Blackmail" by Liudmila Razumovskaya