Leni Pințea Homeag

Honorary member of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater (2004)

Born on April 12, 1941 in Moeciu de Jos, the actress Leni Pintea Homeag was initially employed by the State Theater in Reșita in 1963, and from 1964 she became an actress at the Craiova National Theatre. Within the Craiova National Theater, she performed numerous roles, of great complexity, in various registers: Alta (Venetian Act), Ana Boiu (Suflete tari), Goneril (King Lear), Duchess (The Glass of Water), Doamna Clara (Vlaicu Vodă), Vasilisa (The Night Asylum), Iulia Barvinskaia (The Chair), Muma (Heavy of the Earth), Anca (Năpasta), Esme (Winter of the Gray Wolf), Mița Bastron (D' of the Carnival), Paraschiva (Miss Nastasia), Princess Mavrodin (Ekaterina Teodoroiu), Margareta Ladea (Gaițele), Vivianne Boissiere (The Bear's Skin), Elvira (the musical Snowflakes and diamonds), Giana (Ex), Mama Maria (Taurus Zodiac by Mihnea Gheorghiu), directed by Vlad Mugur, Mița Baston – (D of the Carnival by I. L. Caragiale), directed by Valeriu Moisescu. He had a major contribution in the productions of the director Silviu Purcărete: Sevastița (Dwarf from the summer garden by D.R. Popescu), Lady Macbeth (Ubu Rex with scenes from Macbeth by A. Jarry and W. Shakespeare), Doica (Titus Andronicus by W. Shakespeare ), Phaedra (Phaedra after Euripides and Seneca), Athena (Oresteia after Aeschylus).

In the film she played Paraschiva (Beyond the Barrier), Savina (The Lost Forest), Elisabeta de Braunschveig (The Romanian Musketeer), Livia (Roads in Balance), Stareța (The Yellow Rose), Miss Marga (Lișca) and others.

International awards and distinctions: First Prize and the title of Laureate for female performance in 1989 at the Bucharest National Theater Festival, for the role of Sevastița in "The Dwarf from the Summer Garden"; Diploma of honor of the jury at the National Theater Gala, Femeia erou in contemporary dramaturgy Brăila II edition for the recital Mai further de vis, 1989; Nominated for Best Foreign Actress in Manchester (England) – the role of Phaedra in the show of the same name. 1995; Cultural Merit in the rank of knight, 2004.

In 2013, UNITER awarded him the Excellence Award for the entire activity. Honorary citizen of Craiova Municipality.

"Britain's most original directors Steven Barkoff and Ken Campbell had new productions this week in Leeds and Coventry. But their efforts were overshadowed by the presence, at the Brighton Festival, of the play Phaedra, directed by Silviu Purcărete, a brilliant adaptation of Euripides and Seneca, presented in Romanian. The characters in the choir flit here and there, while they surround the guilty, voluptuous Phaedra, played by the astonishing Leni Pințea Homeag, offering us, as it were, the essence of the fusion of a Maria Callas with Catina Paxinou in her sexual being. The mysterious, moonlit atmosphere engulfs the action, consumes the characters, and creates its own universal state of despair, outside of time. The stage movement is overwhelming."

                 Michael Coveney, The Observer, 21 May 1995

"The voluptuous Phaedra, created by Leni Pințea Homeag, is brought to the scene by the chorus, on a huge, white bed, like a Hollywood movie queen, she runs her lips voluptuously on Hippolyt's sword, and in the end she dies inserting her- in the womb. It's the most shocking scene I haven't seen since Jocasta, played by Irene Worth, in Peter Brook's stage version of Seneca's Oedipus."

Michael Billington, The Guardian, London, 15 May 1995

"Phaedra" is a striking show through its simplicity, through the impact of its visual beauty. Silviu Purcărete's staging offers the Greek tragedy a surprising interpretation: it preserves the primitive universe of avenging gods, which determines the fate of the characters, but recreates it in a very personal reading. Silviu Purcărete's staging is a mixture of elements of tragedy and silent cinema, causing curious Chaplinian gestures for the female chorus and allowing the opening of all the space necessary for the extraordinary talent of the actress Leni Pințea Homeag - an unforgettable Phaedra". 

                                                                       "Jornal de Tarde", Sao Paolo, October 13, 1995