Valentin Mihali

Honorary member of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater (2018)

Honorary member of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater (2004). IATC graduate, 1977, class of Professor Constantin Dinulescu. A good part of the history of the last 50 years of the Craiova National Theater also goes through the generous portfolio of roles of the actor Valentin Mihali. In 2017, he celebrated his 40-year career on the National stage, cast in a multitude of characters that attest to the versatility and impressive palette of his acting game. He debuted here in the 1977-1978 season, shortly after graduating from IATC, with a score that included no less than eight roles!

In the 80s, shortly after his co-optation in the TNC team, he stood out in the performances "A treia teăpa", "Optical Illusion", "Richard II", directed by Mircea Cornișteanu - the one who distributed him in over 20 roles in his shows. Whether he played the role of the ignoble Gore, alongside Ilie Gheorghe ("Furniture and pain"), the thurifer Sancho Panza under the command of Don Quixote, aka Tudor Gheorghe, Angelo, too submissive second-in-command of the "Duke" Ilie Gheorghe from "Measure for Measure" , directed by Silviu Purcărete, Helicon, a humble confidant of Caligula, next to the impetuous Sorin Leoveanu (directed by Bocsárdi László), Bolșințov, a comic begging for attention in Turgheniev's masterpiece "A month in the country", Mihali is the first in his kingdom, on the knife's edge between tragic and comic, between drama and musical, corrupted by his own talent, wordsmith and mute keeper of figures, inattentive to those who accompany him, but always present next to those with whom he goes to battle, "hardworking because he is harassed by vicious laziness". A brilliant actor, shunned by the awards and recognition he deserves.

To his scenic acumen can be added the nerve with which he builds his score, that personal involvement that makes him move from drama compositions, highlighted in the impressive performances directed by Silviu Purcărete: "The dwarf from the summer garden", "Titus Andronicus" , "Phaedra", "Orestia", "As You Like It or The Night of the Fair", "A Tempest" - where he played a memorable Ariel. In 1989, Silviu Purcărete saw him in "Furniture and pain", directed by Cristian Hadji Culea. Later, Purcărete would remember, in SpectActor magazine: "... the charming show where Ilie Gheorghe and Vali Mihali shone." Over the years, Mihali, who also illustrated himself as a good film actor, acquired the stable weight of the one who tackled a varied repertoire under the direction of directors such as Silviu Purcărete, Aureliu Manea, Faynia Williams, Ioan Ieremia, Robert Delamere, Vlad Mugur, Gabor Tompa, Bocsardi Laszlo, Kincses Elemer, Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, Peter Schneider and, in 2014, Robert Wilson, who entrusted him with the role of Bérenger în spectacolul „Rinocerii”.

Second prize for male interpretation, National Historical Theater Festival, 5th edition, Craiova (the role of Tănărul from The Thinking Reed by Theodor Mănescu, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu) (1986); I.D. Award Sîrbu for theatrical art, awarded by Mozaicul magazine (for the role of Arturo Ui, 2003); Diploma of Honor of the Municipality of Craiova for the exceptional value of artistic activities on a national and international level; Mihai Eminescu International Academy Award for acting; Diploma of Excellence awarded by "Scrisul Românesc" Magazine for artistic performances in Caragiale's theater (2012).

He was decorated by the Presidency of Romania with the Third Class Cultural Merit Medal, category D – Performing Arts (December 1, 2004).

I was on the tour with the Purcărete engine and Boroghină oil. A good oil, so to speak. Motivated to promote great culture. The fact that we work with Purcărete is an act of great culture. And let's be friends too, naked! in the good sense of the word. He likes to be with us. To find out. He makes something out of everything. From poverty. He faces life as we do. I said it's hard for us. I look at that power plant tower, which depresses me. I can also see him from my bedroom. That smoke is really depressing. I am depressed by wars, the world at war. Of course it's depressing to face the idea that we're going to die, that's another story, but when you see that we're hurting ourselves..."

Valentin Mihali, "You have to keep the state of wanting", interview conducted by Marius Dobrin, Branches no. 10/2013

"A presence not coincidentally applauded at the open stage is Valentin Mihali, in the role of Sergeant Angus Wyatt - the actor knows how to amplify the comedy of situations, but also adding to the character the suggestions of astonishment, the anger of a normal person in the face of anomalies or human reactions, which exceeded his power of understanding ".

                                                         Natalia Stancu, American guests..., "National Courier", December 7, 1997

"In the role of Berenger, Valentin Mihali proves to be very Ionesian, if we can say such a thing. The actor gradually experiences, with increasing intensity, the anxieties of the character and, in general, composes a 'mask' of the unadaptable that punctuates memorable moments."

Romulus Diaconescu, "Branches", December 1997