At the Theater in the Night of the Museums

The national team from Craiova participates, for the first time, in the prestigious cultural event entitled European Night of Museums.


Thus, on Saturday, May 13, 2023, between 19:00 and 02:00, the public is invited to visit the exhibitions in the foyer of the Amza Pellea Hall:


The jubilee of an edifice – 50 years since the inauguration of the TNC building: photos with images from the construction and from the inauguration of the National Theater building in Craiova

SHAKESPEARE, HIS AGE AND POSTERITY- Documentary exhibition of posters, prints and engravings

King Carol I. Founder of Modern Romania: collection of objects that belonged to King Carol I, made available by the Peleș National Museum in Sinaia, within the EDUCĂM ÎMPREUNĂ project.


Public access is free

The souvenir shop is also open during the same time slot.


Desfășurat anual, în sâmbăta cea mai apropiată datei de 18 Mai-ZIua Internațională a Muzeelor,  evenimentul cultural Noaptea Muzeelor este patronat de Consiliul Europei, de UNESCO și de Consiliul Internațional al Muzeelor. În România, an de an se alătură, instituțiilor muzeale și instituții din sfera artelor spectacolului, artelor vizuale, patrimoniului cultural precum și instituții din alte domenii.


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