George Drăghescu comes to the Poets' Assembly 2023

The Craiovian Poets' Assembly has George Drăghescu as its guest in March.

Poet, actor of the Dramatic Theater "Elvira Godeanu" from Târgu Jiu, George Drăghescu returns to the Assembly of Craiov Poets with the volume of poems "Biblioteca din cer" (Ed. Pim, Iași, 2022).
The launch will take place on Wednesday, March 8, at 4:30 p.m., in the foyer of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre.
The book will be presented by Nicolae Coande.
The actor Nicolae Vicol will recite poems from the volume.
The musician Mircea Suchici will give a musical intermission.

Admission is free.

George Drăghescu was born on 16 May 1968 in the town of Tismana-Sohodol, Gorj county. He graduated from the Faculty of Theatre and Film at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, specialising in acting, and is an actor at the "Elvira Godeanu" Dramatic Theatre in Târgu Jiu.

Published volumes: Inferno of words, Ed. Sipcon, 1992, Dowry for Exaltation, Ed. Alexandru Ștefulescu, 1999, Poarta, Ed. Măiastra, 2004, Traces of Angel, Ed. Dacia 2005, Diary of a Cabotin, Ed. Limes, 2005, Tăcerea din cupa, Ed. Vinea, 2008, oarecum psalmi, Ed. Fundația Constantin Brâncuși, 2010, O hormică pe Golgota, Ed. Grinta, 2011, Home to the crickets, Ed. Tipo Moldova 2013, Alone at the cabin, Ed. Măiastra 2014, From the traveller's notes, Ed. Pleiade 2017, Angel Chronicler, Ed. Eikon 2020.

He collaborated with the magazines România literară, Luceafărul, Familia, Ramuri, Acolada, Argeș, Banchetul, Ardealul literar, Columna, Caligraf, Confesiuni, Poezia, Portal Măiastra, Lumea Gorjenească, Nord Literar.

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