Mircea A. Diaconu is coming to the SpectActor Meetings – Craiova, April 17, 2024

The renowned literary critic Mircea A. Diaconu is Nicolae Coande's guest at "SpectActor Meetings". Mircea A. Diaconu will hold, on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., the conference "Caragiale: the machine that swallows us", in the foyer of the National Craiove. The meeting takes place within the "Patrel Berceanu" Poetry and Drama Festival, the 4th edition.

Admission is free.


Mircea A. Diaconu is a specialist in the history of Romanian poetry, postmodernism, the cultural history of Bucovina; university professor dr. at "Ștefan cel Mare" University in Suceava, scientific researcher at Ipotești Memorial, "Mihai Eminescu" Study Center. Nominated member of the Romanian Writers' Union; Prize for literary criticism of the Writers' Union (Iasi Branch) in 1998, 2000, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2019. Member of the Jury of the Romanian Writers' Union several times.

Published books: Poezia de la "Gîndirea"(1997), Mircea Streinul. Life and Opera (1998), Critical Snapshots (1998), Iconic Movement. Literature and politics in Bucovina in the 1930s (1999), Faces of poetry (1999), Cezar Baltag (2000), Postmodernist poetry > (2002), Ion Creangă. Nonconformism and gratuity(2002), Bukovinian studies and documents(2004), South of God. Lucidity exercises (2005), Poetry workshops (2005), Calistrat Hogaş. Monographic essay(2007), Who's afraid of Emil Cioran? (2008), Bucovinine Studies (2008), I.L. Caragiale. The ironic fatality(2012), Ariadne's Thread. 10 prose books (and more) (2014), Before and after the dismemberment of Orpheus. Fragments about postwar Romanian poetry (2014), Romanian Postwar Poetry Library. Poetic experiences and existences. Studies, essays, chronicles (2016), Metacritics (2018), Chernivtsi. Lost objects (2021), Recitations: Ion Creangă, Calistrat Hogaș, Ion Agârbiceanu & I. Negoițescu (2021), Ciprian Porumbescu. In the margin empire's (2023).

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