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Haricleea Nicolau

Roles in the current season

He directed



  • PhD at the University of Bucharest, with doctoral thesis The theme of sacrifice in ancient tragedy, (reflections on Romanian performances) / Professor PhD supervisor: prof.univ.dr. Eugen Negrici (PhD studies between 2007-2011)
  • Master: specializarea Receptarea Antichităţii greco-romane în cultura românăLucrarea de Disertație: Ancient tragedy in contemporary theatreMaster's degree / Postgraduate studies / Day courses / class 2004-2006
  • Absolventă a Departamentului de Arte, Facultatea de Litere / Universitatea din Craiova, promoția 1999-2003, specializarea Artele Spectacolului de Teatru/Actorie, clasa prof. univ. dr. Remus Mărgineanu și conf. univ. dr. Smaragda Olteanu /Diplomă de Licenţă – șef de promoție / Studii universitare / cursuri Zi /Diploma de Excelență pentru rezulatele deosebite obţinute în timpul studiilor, acordată de către Senatul Universităţii din Craiova, 5 iulie 2003



  • Since 2006 she has been a PhD lecturer at the Department of Arts, Faculty of Letters / University of Craiova, majoring in Acting / teaches courses in Actor's Art, Art of Improvisation, Spectacology, History of Romanian Theatre and Performing Arts.
  • Since 2014 he is literary secretary of the National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" in Craiova
  • In 2012 he published the volumes "On Sacrifice in Ancient Tragedy" and "The Dimension of the Sacred in the Performance of Ancient Tragedy".
  • Since 2014 he writes monthly film reviews for the magazine "Ramuri" of the Romanian Writers' Union

Roles and collaborations at the "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova 

  • Psychotherapist, Snail rescuers, by Bogdan-Cristian Drăgan, directed by Bogdan-Cristian Drăgan, National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova, 20 Jan. 2018.
  • Maid 3, Bloody wedding, by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri, National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Craiova, 25 Feb. 2017.
  • Elena, Oreste Project, after Euripides, directed by Laurențiu Tudor, "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre Craiova & Company Teatrulescu Craiova, 17 nov. 2016.
  • Saturnia, Oreste Project, after Euripides, directed by Laurențiu Tudor, "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre Craiova & Company Teatrulescu Craiova, 17 nov. 2016.
  • Coroner, Oreste Project, after Euripides, directed by Laurențiu Tudor, "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre Craiova & Company Teatrulescu Craiova, 17 nov. 2016.
  • Ancient Choir, Medeea, Euripides, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, National Theatre Marin Sorescu Craiova, aprilie 2006.
  • Assistant director, Livada de vişini, directed by Alexa Visarion, National Theatre Marin Sorescu Craiova, ian. 2006.
  • Assistant director, Romeo şi Julieta, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, National Theatre Marin Sorescu, Craiova, sept. 2005.


Artistic direction of shows

  • show direction Chekhov Machine, by Matei Vișniec, Radio Oltenia Craiova & Univ. of Craiova, 10 June 2021 / radio theatre performance.
  • show direction The night of the night, after W.Shakespeare, Department of Arts, Univ. of Craiova, 15 June 2019.
  • show direction The cherry orchardby A.P.Chekhov, Department of Arts, Univ. of Craiova, 8 Feb. 2019.
  • Directed by D ale poveștilor! - Improvisation Art performance *year II, Department of Arts, Univ. of Craiova, May 2016.
  • Assistant director, Malvolii, after W. Shakespeare, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, Department of Arts, University of Craiova, Jan. 2015.
  • Assistant director, Colony of Angelsby Ștefan Caraman, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, Department of Arts, University of Craiova, Apr. 2013.
  • Assistant director, Waltz of the dogsby Leonid Andreev, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, Department of Arts, University of Craiova, Nov. 2012.
  • Direction of the show Cele cinci fețe ale Evei – one woman show, Teatrul Dramatic Ion D. Sârbu, Petroşani, nov. 2012.
  • Unora le place … filmul! - improvisation performance, directed by Haricleea Nicolau, Department of Arts, University of Craiova, June. 2012.
  • Women only – one woman show, actor, script and direction, Company Teatrulescu Craiova, premiere 24 febr. 2011.


Roles in other theatres or independent companies

  • Rita, Ménage à trois, after Alexandr Mardani, directed by Raluca Păun, Company Teatrulescu Craiova, febr. 2015.
  • Hypolita, A Midsummer Night's Dreamby W.Shakespeare, directed by Gelu Badea, Drama Theatre Ion D. Sârbu, Petroşani, stagiunea 2013 – 2014.
  • Terry, At limit, directed by Raluca Păun, Company Teatrulescu, Craiova, apr. 2013.
  • Mother The little girl with stories, directed by Remus Vlăsceanu, Theatre Jean Bart, Tulcea, mar. 2013.
  • Bunica, The little girl with stories, directed by Remus Vlăsceanu, Theatre Jean Bart, Tulcea, mar. 2013.
  • Actor in the Ancient Choir, Antigonaby Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, Drama Theatre I. D. Sârbu, Petroşani, iul. 2011.
  • Wanda, Gaiţele, directed by Cristian Ioan, Dramatic Theatre Ion D. Sârbu, Petroşani, oct. 2010.
  • Mrs. Stanca, Mihai Viteazul Dreams, street performance, directed by McRanin, Craiova, Oct. 2005.
  • Safta, Conu’ Leonida faţă cu reacţiunea, directed by Adrian Roman, Theatre Anton Pann, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, stagiunea 2003-2004.
  • The wife, The story of stupidity, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, Theatre Anton Pann, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, stagiunea 2003-2004.


Awards and participations in theatre festivals  

  • DaFest - International Studio Theatre Festival / 24th edition / Pitesti, 2020 / Bloody weddingby Federico García Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri
  • FesTin Youth Theatre and Short Film Festival, 11th edition, 30 August 2019 / Snail rescuers, by Bogdan-Cristian Drăgan, directed by Bogdan-Cristian Drăgan
  • Special Jury Prize at the Festival of Contemporary Romanian Drama, Bucharest, 2018 for the show Snail rescuers, directed by Bogdan-Cristian Drăgan / "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova / premiere 20 Jan. 2018
  • participation in the IN section at the Contemporary Romanian Drama Festival, Bucharest, 2018 / the show Snail rescuers, directed by Bogdan-Cristian Drăgan / "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova / premiere 20 Jan. 2018
  • Director de festival / unic selecționer – Festivalul THEATER NETWORKING TALENTS, Festival Internațional dedicat Tinerilor Regizori, ediția a II-a, Craiova / 27-30 iunie 2018
  • Director de festival – Festivalul THEATER NETWORKING TALENTS, Festival Internațional dedicat Tinerilor Regizori, first edition / Craiova / 27 iun. – 1 iul. 2017
  • 13 th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama, Paphos Ancient Odeon, Curium Theatre, Limassol, Makarios III Amphitheatre, Nicosia – Cyprus – Medeea, by Euripides, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos, 1-31 July 2009
  • Theatre Festival of South-Eastern Europe – Festivalul Teatrelor din Sud-Estul Europei – Salonic (Grecia) 2007 – Medeea, by Euripide, directed by Yiannis Paraskevopoulos
  • B - Fit International Theatre Festival, Bucharest, 20 April-20 May 2007
  • National Festival of Classical Theatre, 12th edition, 2006, Medeea, de Euripide, regia Yiannis Paraskevopoulos.
  • International Theatre Schools Festival, U.N.E.S.C.O., Sinaia, 2005
  • International Theatre Schools Festival, U.N.E.S.C.O., Sinaia, 2001
  • International Theatre Schools Festival, U.N.E.S.C.O., Sinaia, 2000


Phone: 0251 415 363 int. 211


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