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Theatre bridges

Theatre bridges

event dedicated to the



The "Marin Sorescu" National Theater and the Shakespeare Foundation are organizing between April 20-23, 2023 the international event THEATER BRIDGES dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the publication of the First Folio 1623 edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare and the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the current theater building.

Under the aegis of the International Shakespeare Festival, one of Romania's most appreciated cultural events, from 20 to 23 April 2023, Craiova will host temporal and geographical bridges that bring the past to the present and unite world cultures. More than 30 events will take place in Craiova: indoor and outdoor theatre performances, book launches and scientific communication sessions.

With the presence of the National Theatre "Ivan Franko" from Kiev (Ukraine) with the performance "Coriolanus" we are building a cultural bridge that will give a strong voice to the culture of the neighbouring country, which is going through difficult times.

The four-day programme includes the performances of "Macbeth" at the Flabbergast Theatre in London, directed by Henry Maynard, a production in partnership with the European Shakespeare Festivals Network, and "Richard III" staged by Bocsárdi László at the Marin Sorescu National Theatre in Craiova. Thematically linked, the two plays talk about war, crime and betrayal, inhuman brutality and monstrosities, injustice and the need to punish those who bear responsibility for the misfortunes caused.

Alongside the three performances, the programme also includes, also for its symbolism, a guest performance from the European Capital of Culture 2023, "Hamlet" from the "Mihai Eminescu" National Theatre in Timișoara, directed by Adei Lupu Hausvater, and a performance from the Flute Theatre in Stradford upon Avon, "The Tempest", premiered at the Royal Shakespeare Company, dedicated to autistic children. The host of this type of theatre, actress Kelly Hunter, has recently been awarded the high distinction of Member of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain for her work with autism.

Every day, Craiovians will take part in urban theatrical events that will take place in William Shakespeare Square, Mihai Viteazul Square, Frații Buzești Square and Nicolae Romanescu Park.

There will also be extensive conferences by internationally renowned Romanian theatrical personalities, occasions in which the contribution of Craiova and Romanian culture to the heritage of universal culture will be debated. At the evocation of personalities such as Liviu Ciulei or George Banu will be present in Craiova renowned theatre people who have been actively participating for years in the world cultural prestige of our city.

Tickets are on sale at the Theatre Agency and online at

Organisers:: Marin Sorescu National Theatre and Shakespeare Foundation

Funders: Craiova City Hall and Craiova Local Council, Ministry of Culture

PartnersThe Romanian Cultural Institute, the British Embassy in Bucharest, the British Council Romania, the Romanian Theatre Union and the European Network of Shakespeare Festivals, the Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare Institute, the University of Birmingham and the University of Craiova.

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