Young directors, young set designers

PROJECT COMPETITION for YOUNG DIRECTORS and SCENEGRAPHERS 12th edition - "Marin Sorescu" National Theater from Craiova

The "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova is launching the call for applications to the project competition for young directors and scenographers, the twelfth edition.

In this period disrupted by a war so close to our borders, "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova wants to support the Ukrainian dramaturgy, the Ukrainian and Romanian school of directing and scenography and to propose new names, concepts and artistic visions. 

The winning project will be produced at the "Ion D. Sîrbu" studio hall, during the 2023-2024 season.

Conditions of participation:

  • The text of the project have to be based on the literary work(s) signed by contemporary authors from Ukraine (playwright, novelist, poet); the performance text of the project (for the application) can be either in Romanian or English (if there are no Romanian translations already available).
  • Candidates who want to choose contemporary Ukrainian texts (already translated into Romanian or English), can request them via email at the address
  • After the announcement of the results, the performance text of the winning project will be translated from Ukrainian to Romanian.
  • The show can have a maximum cast of 8 actors; multiple characters are accepted if actors have multiple roles.
  • Creative teams can be made up of Romanian directors and scenographers, but mixed creative teams are also welcome (Romanian director-Ukrainian scenographer/ Romanian scenographer-Ukrainian director).
  • The project will be designed for the "Ion D. Sîrbu" Studio Hall (see the technical details by accessing our website
  • The project budget is 65,000 lei gross (including set production costs and creative team fees – director, scenographer, composer, etc., copyright costs, translator rights costs).
  • The director and scenographer have to be graduates of specialized higher education (university degree in directing/theatre scenography) and must not exceed the age of 35 years old.
  • Resume and list of artistic creations of the director and scenographer will be attached to the project.
  • The number of pages and the form of the project are up to the candidates


The deadline for submitting the projects is May 10, 2023

The projects will be sent to the e-mail address

La finalul Theater Networking Talents – TNT desfășurat în perioada 4-7 iulie,2023  a fost anunțat proiectul câștigător al celei de-a XII-a ediții a Concursului de proiecte pentru tineri regizori și scenografi. Este vorba despre The education of Bento Boncev by Maksim Kurocikin, project proposed by the director Monica Stoica și scenografa Ștefana Chelaru, care  va fi realizat la sala Studio „Ion D. Sîrbu”, în stagiunea următoare.


The winning projects of previous editions were:

1. "Conu' Leonida facing the reaction" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Diana Dragoș, scenography by Adriana
2. "Photoshop", text and direction by Catinca Drăgănescu, scenography by Sorana Țopa
"Profu' de religion" by Mihaela Michailov, direction and scenography by Bobi Pricop
3. "The break-in", based on the short story "Armed robbery" by Răzvan Petrescu, directed by Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu, scenography by architect Andreea Simona Negrilă
4. At the fifth edition, exceptionally, two projects were declared winners: "Explosion iv" by Elise Willk, directed by Andrei Măjeri, scenography by Alexandra Panaite and "The End", dramatized by Oana Hodade based on the prose of Florin Lăzărescu, directed Leta Popescu, scenography Gloria Gagu
5. "The other country", based on Herta Müller's novels, "Man is a great pheasant in the world" and "Journey in a foot", dramatic scenario Alexandru Istudor, scenography Francesca-Antonia Cioancă
6. "Sand Monster" by Csaba Székely, directed by Irina Crăiţă-Mândră, scenography by Cezarina Iulia
7. "White room" by Alexandra Badea, directed by Florin Caracala, scenography by Ana Ienașcu
8. "Playground" by Raul Coldea, directed by Raul Coldea, scenography by Alexandra Budianu
9. "Where is my soul?", directed by Norbert Boda, scenography by Ana Ruxandra Manole
10. "Băgău", directed by Cristina Giurgea, scenography by Ioana Ungureanu