Gathering of poets

"The Gathering of Craiovian Poets" is an event initiated at the Marin Sorescu National Theatre, which complements the older cultural event "Poetry Sundays in the Theatre" (2010-2015). The special guests were poets Ana Blandiana, Ileana Mălăncioiu, Nora Iuga, Nicolae Prelipceanu, Mircea Dinescu, Dinu Flămând, Ion Mureșan.
The first edition of the "Assembly of Craiovian Poets" took place on November 11, 2016, at the hall "Ia te uită!" of the TNC. The invited poets Claudiu Komartin, Cristian Bădiliță, Radu Sergiu Ruba, Simona Popescu, Dumitru Florin Emilian, Romulus Bucur as well as a number of poets from the city gave lectures, launched books and readings, while actors from the theatre accompanied the poets' appearances each time with recitals (Petronela Zurba, Tamara Popescu, Angel Rababoc, Geni Macsim, Anca Dinu).
The "Assembly of Craiovian Poets" celebrated the International Poetry Day on 21 March 2017 with a recital offered by several Craiovian poets: Ionel Ciupureanu, Mihai Firică, Ioan Lascu, Emilian Mirea, Silviu Gongonea, Mihai Ene, Ion Munteanu, Ion Maria, Cornel Ducan, Constantin Pădureanu, Mădălina Nica, Nicolae Coande. PEN Club Romania called for the mobilisation of Romanian poets for the rights of writers banned, arrested or imprisoned in different countries of the world. The cases of authors such as Asli Erdogan (Turkey), Ernesto Cardenal (Nicaragua), Amanuel Asrat (Eritrea), Dareen Tatour (under house arrest in Israel), Liu Xia (China) were discussed. Actress Anca Dinu recited a poem from their work. Ioan Lascu, Mihai Ene, Nicolae Coande, Lia Boangiu, Mihai Firică presented the borderline cases of these writers who were persecuted by the regimes in their countries.
"The Assembly of Craiovian Poets and Performers" organized on March 8, 2018 a meeting with the poetry of fifteen contemporary poets, with the participation of actresses Tamara Popescu and Petronela Zurba: Angela Marinescu, Ileana Mălăncioiu, Constanța Buzea, Ioana Ieronim, Marta Petreu, Mariana Marin, Simona Popescu, Ruxandra Cesereanu, Magda Cârneci, Mariana Codruț, Ileana Roman, Ștefania Mihalache, Gilda Vâlcan, Doina Ioanid, Crista Bilciu. From Craiova, poets Lia Boangiu and Mădălina Nica read.
Poetry performances were organized in honor of the poets Paul Celan ("Fugue of Death. Time of the Heart", directed by Alina Hiristea, June 9, 2017), Marin Sorescu ("Sorescu Sonetist", February 28, 2018, recited by actress Geni Macsim). On February 29, 2018, the poetry performance "Marin Sorescu - from Ecuatori to Poli" was presented at the "Ion D. Sîrbu" hall, performed by actors Anca Dinu, Haricleea Nicolau, Petronela Zurba, Gabriela Baciu, Angel Rababoc, Nicolae Vicol. On March 29, 2018 the performance "Nichita Stănescu - at the table with us" took place at the "Ion D. Sîrbu" hall, with the actors Constantin Cicort, Petronela Zurba, Natașa Raab. On March 22, 2019, Ana Blandiana gave the lecture "I am not a writer, I am only a poet", dedicated to the International Day of Poetry (March 21), followed by the poetry performance-reading "A continuous love", performed by actresses Tamara Popescu, Ioana Manciu, Petronela Zurba, Anca Dinu. On 15 January 2020, actors Iulia Colan and Cătălin Vieru, accompanied by musician Mircea Suchici, presented the poetry performance "The Despotic Empire of Our Love", a selection from the poetic work, respectively fragments from the correspondence between the poet and Veronica Micle. Selection of poems and letters, Nicolae Coande. On 27 February 2020, students from several colleges in the city applauded a successful performance-reading, "The Bells of Berlin and other sights", with the participation of actors Angel Rababoc, Constantin Cicort, Nicolae Vicol, Petronela Zurba. The selection of texts, after diaries and poems by the writer Nicolae Coande.
Czech poet Jana Orlová and Lithuanian poet Marius Burokas read verses from Lithuania and the Czech Republic, introduced by Czech Mircea Dan Duță.
The following years brought to the attention of the Craiova public various events such as book launches, poetry recitals, reading shows, during which poems by established poets were read, either by their authors or by the National actors. In a chronological enumeration we record:
*Launch of the volume of poetry "Enger chronicar" (Ed. Eikon, 2021). George Drăghescu, poet, actor of the "Elvira Godeanu" Drama Theater from Târgu Jiu - June 11, 2021
*Launching of the poetry book "Between a nightmare and a beautiful photograph", Ed. Casa de Pariuri Literare, Bucharest (2020) by Ana Paraschivescu- June 18, 2021
*Reading performance "Maratonul", text set by Nicolae Coande after the homonymous novel written by Cristian Simionescu (1985). Cast: Robert Vladu, Cătălin Vieru, Ovidiu Cârstea, Nicolae Vicol, Monica Ardeleanu, Adrian Andone – November 11, 2021
*Claudiu Komartin held the conference "La entretaierea drumurilor poetice", an excursion through the poetry of the new poetic promotions that appeared after the year 2000. The volume of poetry "Self-portrait in the welding flame" (Max Blecher Publishing House, 2021) was launched - November 17, 2021
*Poetry show "Remembering Paradise", selection from Cezar Ivănescu's poetry, supported by actor Eugen Titu and writer Nicolae Coande - December 17, 2021
*Reading performance "Love story from the Deaf Country", based on the book by the poet Ilya Kaminsky, "Deaf Republic" (Max Blecher Publishing House, 2021), adapted by Nicolae Coande. Actors Adrian Andone, Monica Ardeleanu, Alina Mangra, Cosmin Rădescu, Robert Vladu participated - March 24, 2022
*Vasile Baghiu, conference and poetry recital, "The chimeric metaverse of poetry" - September 16, 2022
*Poet Mihai Firică - book release "Love with the scent of bitter almonds" (Ed. Vinea, 2022) - January 20, 2023
*George Draghescu. Poet, actor of the Dramatic Theater "Elvira Godeanu" from Târgu Jiu, release volume of poems "Biblioteca din cer" (Ed. Pim, 2022). Actor Nicolae, musical intermission - March 8, 2023
*The poet Ștefan Manasia read from his poems and held the conference "Trilobite, ammonite, orthoceras - the larii and penates of the poet" - May 5, 2023