ACuTE 2023: objectives, stages, activities

ACuTE in 2023

  • March 9 – 11, 2023 – Focus groups with the target audience, actors, collaborators and technicians of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater

Guest in Craiova: Ciprian Făcăeru, architect of virtual and augmented spaces, designer of immersive and interactive experiences, creative explorer and researcher of new media technologies

We tried to understand:

❓ How do we integrate virtual scenographies into the contemporary theater performance

❓ Where and how technicians, actors and the public meet with new technologies

❓ Cum pot fi realitățile virtuale utile scenei și emoțiilor pe care actorii le transmit

  • 30 – 31 March 2023 – Reality-Check Festival (Saxion University of Applied Sciences) – Enschede, Netherlands

As a stage in the design process of the Culture Tesbed Model, the National Theater of Craiova was invited to participate in this festival to be inspired by the latest developments in XR technology and video game design , with the aim of using these ideas in their own experimental theater productions

  • March – May 2023

10 directors from Romania who explore, in their performances, the new technologies for which the spectators have shown interest were invited to propose a project that integrates virtual scenographies in an experimental theater performance that will be realized by mid-2024

There were meetings, discussions between directors and organizers, artists involved in the project and the production team.

  • June 12, 2023 – the choice and communication of the "Reconstitution" project

In an effort to recover recent histories and integrate virtual scenographies into the contemporary theater show, the director Catinca Drăgănescu, together with the artist Ciprian Făcăeru, will mount "Reconstituirea", part of the European ACuTe project, at the National Theater in Craiova.

"Reconstituirea", inspired by the film of the same title by the director Lucian Pintilie, proposes an exploration of the evolution of the media technological phenomenon in relation to society and started from the young people's perception of the theater as a portal to other times, a bridge between worlds

  • July 5 – ACuTe presentation at Theater Networking Talents (Craiova, Romania)

The ACuTe team and guests held a conference at #TNT2023 with the title "Theatre 2.0: Community of the Future" about the transition from the "analog theater" or 1.0 to its digital version or 2.0.

About rethinking the way we produce, create, present, communicate, or watch or participate in a contemporary theater performance


George – Albert COSTEA : ACuTe – the opportunity to bring the theatrical experiment from the periphery to the center of artistic creation in a Romanian state theater

Catinca DRĂGĂNESCU and Ciprian FĂCĂERU: ,,Reconstitution'' - presentation of a show-experimental proposal within ACuTe

Marina  HANGANU: Telepresence and robots in the extended theater

Alex ZLĂVOG: Performativity on social media: exploring human and social experiences through digital tools

  • September 19 – September 29, 2023 – artistic residency at Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao, Spain)

The director Catinca Drăgănescu together with the Augmented Space Agency studio team (Ciprian Făcăeru – scenography, Sabin Șerban and Dan Făcăeru – programming) participated in a creative residency at Azkuna Zentroa Bilbao to prototype the solution proposed in the ACuTe project for the creation of the show "Reconstituirea"

XR's #TNC installation was presented to the international public on Wednesday 28 September at an Open Doors event

  • October 2023 – Casting for "Reconstitution"

Present in Craiova, the director Catinca Drăgănescu and Ciprian Făcăeru worked for two days with the actors and collaborators of the theater to define the team of actors that will be part of the show

  • November 9 – 12, 2023 – European Theater Convention (ETC) SHARE Conference, Timișoara (Romania)

George Albert Costea, ACuTe project manager participated in Timișoara at the European Theater Convention SHARE Conference, where he shared with the other members of the network the way in which the ACuTe project was approached at the National Theater in Craiova and the first details about the future experimental show. He was joined by: Heidi Wiley, Executive Director ETC and Carla Meller from the Academy of Theater and Digitization/Theatre Dortmund (Germany)

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