
Alexandru Boureanu




Actor and theater director / Cultural Manager / Evaluator-Auditor


Born in Mangalia on 13 June 1975, he grew up in Tulcea.

Manager of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova - since 2016.

He was manager of the "Jean Bart" Cultural Center, Tulcea (08.2010 - 01.2014).

In 1994, he obtained the Baccalaureate as head of promotion. He graduated from the University of Craiova, with a degree in dramatic art - acting, in 1999, in the class of actor Remus Mărgineanu, with the highest average. After graduation, he is employed at the Constanța Dramatic Theater, where he plays the role of Hlestacov in the play "Revizorul" by N. Gogol, directed by Tudor Mărăscu.

He was an actor for a year at the "Victor Ion Popa" Dramatic Theater in Bârlad.
In 2000, as a Romanian Government scholarship holder, he attended a theater directing internship at the Academy of Theater Arts in Saint Petersburg, with maestro Ghenady R. Trostjanetzky. He followed a research internship in the field of sociology of culture/theatre in Switzerland, at the Lausanne Conservatory, benefiting from the Keizo Obushi Scholarship - won at the competition organized by UNESCO in 2001. Also in 2001, he became a member of UNITER.
He is a graduate of the University of Theater and Cinematography "I. L. Caragiale" from Bucharest, has advanced studies in the field of Theater Aesthetics and Theory (2003) and a Master's Degree in Theater Direction (2008).
Thanks to another scholarship offered by the French Government, in 2005/2006 he completed an internship at the Maison des Cultures du Monde and at the Theater de la Tempete la Cartoucherie, in Paris. In the fall of 2006, he obtained the Master's degree 2 - PRO "Les ingenieries des echanges interculturels" at Université Sorbonne III.
The doctorate in the field of Economic Sciences - Management, with the theme "Impact of modern management in the activity of independent theater companies" at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, was confirmed in January 2009.

Currently, he is a qualified university professor. at the University of Craiova - the Art of the Actor course - and also leader of the Master's Programs in the Art of the Actor, respectively Management and cultural entrepreneurship.

He staged around 20 performances by contemporary playwrights such as Gilles Granouillet, Michelle Lowe, Alexandr Galin, Marine Auriole, Geo Iancu Călinescu, Cristi Nedelcu, after adaptations by the prose writers Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Ion Creangă, but also by established ones such as René de Obaldia, Leonid Zorin, I.L. Caragiale, Victor Eftimiu, Al. Kirițescu, Leonid Andreev, Jean Genet, Eugène Ionesco, Matei Vișniec, André Roussin, Gordon Dryland, etc.

At National Craiove, he directed or co-directed many shows, among which we mention "Smells of prey", "Gaițele", "Occident Express", "String yourself, pearls!", "1, 2, 3... Bébé", "Think of Africa", "Sand Birds".

In 2022, together with Raluca Păun, he staged the play "The Choice" written by Their Majesties King Mihai I and Queen Ana in 1960, in exile, in Versoix (Switzerland).

Education and career – chronological milestones:

Since 2001 – Member of UNITER (Theatrical Union from Romania)

Since 2007 – TNCMS Representative – CTE Member (European Theater Convention)

Since 2018 – Doctoral Supervisor – Theater and Performing Arts field – U.N.A.T.C. I". L. Caragiale" Bucharest

Since 2018 – Annual guest professor at Université de Franche-Comté Besançon – France

Management activity:

Manager - public performance institutions (over 14 years of experience - "Jean Bart'" Tulcea Theater, "Marin Sorescu" National Theater Craiova)

Director – Department of Arts, Faculty of Letters (University of Craiova) – (from 2010 to the present)


Actor's art, Creative workshops, Cultural management, Management of public cultural institutions.

Leader of the master's degree co-supervised by the Actor's Art (Lettres modernes – option Théâtre, Université de Bourgogne, France) 2014-2018

The leader of the Master's in Management and cultural entrepreneurship - University of Craiova

Visiting professor – Master – Arts de la scène et du spectacle vivant/ Théâtres du monde – Université de Franche Comté (2018-2021)

Artistic and managerial consultant:

Theatrical research activity and artistic creation; Dramatic repertoire; Cultural project engineering; Economic consulting and budget planning (National Theater "Marin Sorescu" Craiova).

Cultural management/ Evaluator expert

Audit, recruitment, evaluation and training of management personnel (Ministry of Culture, local authorities); ARACIS (C8-Arts, Architecture, Urban Planning, Physical Education and Sports); AFCN assessor; EEA (Norwegian Funds); Audit missions; Counseling in public cultural institutions;



BOOKS (single author):




  1. MARKS IN INDEPENDENT THEATER MANAGEMENT, Ed. Sitech, Craiova 2010ISBN 978-606-11-0013-2
  2.  STUDIES ON THE STATUS OF THE ARTIST, Ed. Universitaria*, Craiova 2012, ISBN 978-606-14 -0472-8
  3. THE BASICS OF THEATER COMPANY MANAGEMENT: Strategies and techniques for production Theatrical,

            Ed. Universitaria*, Craiova 2012, ISBN 978-606-14-0475-9

  1. THE ART OF THE ACTOR – EXERCISE BOOK II, Ed. Universitaria*, Craiova 2012, ISBN 978-606-14-0897-9.

Other BOOKS:

  1. Tina Pools - the 24 hours in search of happiness by Marie Henry, (translator from French), published by UNITEXT, 2013, ISBN 978-973-8129-60-3
  2. Russian theatre today(Project coordinator-translation from Russian), UNITEXT Publishing House, 2013, ISBN 978-973-8129-61-0


Articles and publications:                                                                                                  

Sole author:

  1. Study: A Study about the Performing Arts Determinations, in REVART magazine, pp. 105-111, no. 2/2012, Timisoara, on
  2. Article: The Status of the European Artist – is it still necessary?, in REVART magazine, pp. 93-101, no. 1/2012, Timisoara, on
  3. Article: On the Psychology of the Artistic Vocal Vibration, in International Journal of Human Voice, 49-54, vol. 1/2012, Iasi
  4. Study: Director's Forgotten Debts: Jacques Copeau and the Cartel , in the Annals of the University of Craiova – year II, no. 4, pp. 48-62, Craiova, 2011, ISSN 2068-4754
  5. Study: Aspects of the status of the artist – economic milestones in the current cultural society u>ă, in the magazine Collocvii Teatrale, pp. 55-60, no. 12/2011, Iasi, ISSN 973-85188-6-5, on .
  6. Study: The necessity of the status of the artist in Romania, in the Annales of the University ii from Craiova – Arts Series, year I, no. 2, pp. 63-71, Craiova, 2010, ISSN 2068-4754
  7. Study: Aspects of the creative work of the artist /em>, in the Annales of the University of Craiova – Arts Series, year I, no. 1, pp. 104-114, Craiova, 2010, ISSN 2068-4754
  8. Study: The Meaning of Artistic Market Value >țcultural ,in the Teatral Colloquiums magazine, pp. 4-13, no. 11/2010, Iasi, ISSN 973-85188-6-5, on
  9. Study: Analysis of the particularities of theater and of the artistic management complexity, Annales of the University of Craiova, Economic Sciences series, Craiova, 2008, pp.1894-2003, rated magazine CNCSIS B+, ISSN 1223-365 X, on
  10. Article: Declan Donnellan: A model artist of our century, in SpectActor, no. 7/2008, pp. 25-31, Craiova, ISSN 1842 – 3930
  11. Article: Thoughts on Courage... International Theater Festival "Chekhov" ed . 7th Moscow, Russiain SpectActor, no. 4/2007, pp.13-18, Craiova, ISSN 1842 – 3930
  12. Article: Independent Theater - an alternative, in Mozaicul, year IX, no. 11-12 (97 -98), Craiova, 2006, p.29, ISSN: 1454-2293
  13. Article: No management unions in the Romanian theater em>, in Teatrul Încotro?, Victor, Bucharest, 2004, pp. 23-34, INBN 973-8128-27-7
  14. Study: Peculiarities of theatrical management ,in Socio-economic problems in the transition periodție, pp. 68-78, Ed. Spirit Romanian, Craiova, 2003, ISBN 973-8205-42-5
  15. Article: Art and Culture as Vehicles for Business Advertising, in UNESCO,/Keizo Obushi, Research Fellowship Programme: Result Achieved, Japan Funds-in - Trust Project, Paris 2003, pp. 46-47, ISSN 1682-1653
  16. Article: Former les comédiens et les professeurs de langue à l'enseignement du FLE par la pratique théâtrale         Boureanu Alexandru Colloque FLE 2014 Puerto Rico (in progressţie)
  17. Article: La creación teatral en la prospectiva del estatuto del artista, in Interculturalidad e interconocimiento de clinamen y de attractores, Publisher Universitaria Craiova, 2019, ISSN 9786061412235
  18. Article: Repenser l'enseignement du métier d'acteur,JEU ‚ revue de théâtre, no. 185, March 2023, Montreal, Canada


* Boureanu, Alexandru & Cârstea Gheorghe; Studiu:Le multisystème des compagnies de théâtre en Europe, Analele Universității din Oradea, seria Științe Economice, Tom XVII, revistă cotată CNCSIS B+, poziția 665,ISSN-1582-5450

*Boureanu, Alexandru & Mangra, Alina Carla; Articol:New methods of approaching contemporary actor’s acting,VolumSGEM CONFERENCE ON ARTS, PERFORMING ARTS, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN, ISSN 978-606-1404-72-8

*Mangra, Alina Carla & Boureanu, Alexandru; Articol:Applied study for acquring vocal expression means in stage play


*Călinoiu, Georgeta & Boureanu, Alexandru; Articol: La vorbă despre Wooster Group, în SpectActor, nr. 3/2010, pp.9-14, Craiova, ISSN 1842 – 3930

* Despierres, Claire & Boureanu, Alexandru-Troisième colloque international sur l’enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère, 2014, San Juan, Porto Rico; Articol: Former les comédiens et les professeurs à l’enseignement du FLE par la pratique théâtrale


Participări la manifestări științifice:

1.     SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences, Albena, Bulgaria, 2014

2.     Colloque FLE 2014 Puerto Rico, USA, 2014

3.     Colocviul internațional “De la Caragiale la Vișniec: teatru și rezistență culturală”, Craiova, 2012

4.     Simpozionul internațional interdisciplinar VOCEA UMANA. Iași, 2011

5.     ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies Only connect …, Vlore, Albania, 2011

6.     Simpozionului Național de Studii și Cercetări Teatrale cu tema: “Succes, Creativitate și Valoare în Lumea Teatrului Contemporan”, Iași nov. 2009

7.     Colocviul Internațional de Neoavangardă cu teama Avangarda – mișcare artistică și socială, conferința Teatrul independent în România, Iași, iunie 2008

8.     Simpozionului Internațional „Integrarea europeană – noi provocări pentru economia României”, Oradea, iunie 2008

9.     Conferința Internațională “Competitivitate și stabilitate în economia bazată pe cunoaștere”, Craiova, mai 2008

10.   Colocviul Internațional „Hyperion”, „Teatrul încotro?”, 2004, București

11.   Simpozionul Științific Internațional „Probleme socio-economice în perioada de tranziție” Craiova, mai, 2003



GRANT CNCSIS – Director de proiect, COD PROIECT PD-113/ 2010 , Valoare : 326.786,00 lei





Diplomas and awards:

2022 – CNDB Award – Bucharest National Dance Center

2022 – The Romeo and Juliet Award, during the Rhinoceros Gala

2008 – Award for Artistic Creation Collective >, the International Neo-avant-garde Festival >,Iași ed. II, for the performance «Gufi's land» by Matei Vișniec

2005 – Scholarship of the French Government, the "Université internationale culture" program, launched by the Maison des Cultures du Monde. Cultural management.

2003 – Excellent Diploma >țăfor directing the show «The One Who Gave Col țu'»  by Réné de Obaldia, National Studio Theater Festival – Pitesti.

2001 –Laureate of the Keizo Obuchi Scholarship, granted by UNESCO – Research in the field of sociology of culture / Lausanne Conservatoire – Switzerland / one academic year.

2000 – Scholarship of the Romanian Government, provided by M.E.N. at the Academy of Theatrical Art in Saint Petersburg – one academic semester.

1999 –1st Prize at the "Ion Cănăvoiu" National Humor Festival - Târgu Jiu.

1994 – The «ANTAR» award for the year 1994 for the recital "FrogȚestoasă" - at the TRAGOS Festival - Tulcea


Amateur theater: 6 directing prizes and 8 first prizes, at national and international genre festivals


Artistic creations:

      ROLES in the theater:

  • THE DIRECTOR in «Occident express» by Matei Vișniec (Director: Alexandru Boureanu, T.N. Craiova)
  • ACTOR in «The Suitor Kings» by D.R. Popescu (Director: Mircea Cornișteanu, T.N. Craiova)
  • GEORGES in « When the stork comes » by A. Roussin (R: Vasile Mălinescu, "V.I. Popa" Theater - Bârlad)
  • HLESTACOV in «Revisorul» by N.Gogol (R: Tudor Mărăscu, T.D.”Ovidiu” -Constanța)
  • LUCULLUS in the performance «Timon of Athens» by W. Shakespeare (R: Mihai Măniuțiu, T.N. Craiova)
  • MIM in the performance «Servant to two masters» by Carlo Goldoni (R: Vlad Mugur, T.N. Craiova)
  • PAJUL from «The Taming of the Shrew» by W. Shakespeare (R: Dorin Mihăilescu, "V.I. Popa" Theater)
  • THE DIRECTOR from «Occident express» by M. Vișniec (R: Alex Boureanu, National Theater "Marin Sorescu")
  • SOLOMON in «The Miser Knight» by A.S. Pushkin (R: R. Trostyanetski – at the Theater Academy of Saint Petersburg, Russia)
  • THE BURSULET in «The Disobedient Rooster» by Ion Lucian (R: Mălinescu – Teatrul "V.I. Popa" - Bârlad)
  • VIOLONCELLIST from the troupe of actors in « Hamlet » by Shakespeare (R: Tompa GaborT.N.Craiova)



ARTISTIC DIRECTION of the performances staged in the theater:

«Sand Birds» by Cristi Nedelcu, co-directed by Raluca Păun

P: 6.10.2023 National Theater "Marin Sorescu"

«The Choice» – play, in one act, written in Versoix by Their Majesties King Michael I and Queen Anne

P: 18.11.2022 National Theater "Marin Sorescu"

«Shakespeare's Ladies» after W. Shakespeare / traveling show

P: 20.05.2022 during the International Shakespeare Festival - Craiova

«The Bald Singer Vs. Moments and Sketches» by Eugene Ionesco / by I.L.Caragiale

P: 14.04.2021 National Theater "Marin Sorescu"

«OCC OCD» by Laurent Baffie

P: 12.02.2021 National Theater "Marin Sorescu"

«Think of Africa» by Gordon Dryland

P: 18.12.2020 National Theater "Marin Sorescu"

▪  « 1, 2, 3… Bébé» de André Roussin

P: 08.06.2019 "Marin Sorescu" National Theater

«Portable detective» by Geo I. Călinescu

P: 02.03.2019 Teatrul „Al. Davila” – Pitești

▪ «Năpasta» by I.L. Caragiale

P: 22.12.2018 "Ion D.Sîrbu" Petroșani Theater

«100 for Romania» documentary theatre, / Centenary of the Great Union

P: 01.12.2018 National Theater "Marin Sorescu"

▪ «Delirium in Two» by Eugene Ionesco

P: 21.01.2018 Theater "Al. Davila" - Pitesti

▪ «Gaițele» by Al. Kiriţescu

P: 22.02.2017 National Theater "Marin Sorescu"

▪ «The Chairs» by Eugène Ionesco

P: 02.02.2017 Municipal Theater "Ariel"‚ Rm. Vâlcea

▪ «Dawn Comedy» by Mircea Ștefănescu

P: 31.01.2016 Municipal Theater "Ariel"‚ Rm. Vâlcea

▪ «King Lear » by W.Shakespeare

P: 24.04.2016 "Al.Buia" classroom - University of Craiova

▪ «M_A_L_V_O_L_I_I » after W.Shakespeare

P: 28.01.2015 "Al.Buia" classroom - University of Craiova

▪ «Digă… digs, bookss băold » by Aldo Nicolaj

P: 21.11.2013 Theatre "Jean Bart" Tulcea

▪ «Colony of Angels» by Ștefan Caraman

P: 17.05.2013 Atheneum Dijon – France

▪ «Stop the tempo » by Geanina Cărbunariu

P: 15.05.2013 Atheneum Dijon – Franța

▪ «Youth without old age and life without death, death» after Petre Ispirescu

P: 19.01.2012 "Marin Sorescu" National Theater Craiova

▪ «Stars in the morning skyții  » by Alexandr Galin

P: 10.11.2010 "Jean Bart" Tulcea Theater and "St.Andrei" Theater Studio - University of Craiova

▪ «Occident Express» by Matei Vișniec

P: 27.05.2009 Royal Railway Station "Băneasa" within the European Project >Orient Express Theatre

▪ « Înșir-te mărgărite » by Victor Eftimiu

P: 06.02.2009 "Marin Sorescu" National Theater Craiova

▪ « Călusul» by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt

P: 30.11.2008 Cafe Teatru PLAY -Craiova

▪ « Țara lui Gufi» by Matei Vișniec

P: 30.01.2008 Aula „Al.Buia”- Universitatea din Craiova

▪ « Cameristele» by Jean Genet

P: 15.01.2008 "Al. Buia" classroom - University of Craiova

▪ «Smells Like Prey» by Michelle Lowe

P: 27.09.2007 Cafe Teatru PLAY -Craiova

▪ «Sing My Mother in the Lighthouse» by Gilles Granuillet

P: 20.06.2007 "Marin Sorescu" National Theater Craiova

▪ « Zig și More» by Marine Auriole

P: 05.11.2006 "Marin Sorescu" National Theater Craiova

▪  « Ma Mère qui chantait sur un phare » by Gilles Granuillet

P: 19.03.2006 Cité International Universitaire – La troupe MPF- Paris

▪  « The story of stupidity » after Ion Creangă, by Bogdan Ulmu, Music: Marius Țeicu

P: 25.02.2004 "Anton Pann" Theater Rm. Vâlcea, P: 21.09.2007 "Marin Sorescu" National Theater Craiova and

P: 03.06.2008 Teatrul Municipal Deva

▪ «The Bald Singer» by Eugène Ionesco

P: 13.02.2005 "St.Andrei" Theater Studio - University of Craiova

▪  «The one who turned the corner'» by Réné de Obaldia

P: 03.05.2003 Teatrul “Anton Pann” Rm. Vâlcea  

▪  «Symphonies by ladies for gentlemen» – original creation (dance-theater show)

P: 03.03.2003 Teatrul “Anton Pann” Rm. Vâlcea  

▪  « Waltz of the dogs »  by Leonid Andreev

P: 25.10.2001 "Anton Pann" Theater Rm. Vâlcea

▪ « Le Défunt – Defunctu’», by René de Obaldia (Producer: Tin-Art and T.N.C.)

P: 2001- At the Studio Hall "Marin Sorescu" of T.N.C.

«The snake of the house» by D.Velea (puppet show)

P:  15.09.1999- "I.D.Sârbu" Dramatic Theater Petroșani


Performances at over 30 national and international festivals including:

National Theater Festival (FNT) Bucharest, Reunion of National Theaters Chisinau, Antalya International Theater Festival, Studio Pite Theatrești, Theater Image Tg. Mure, Craiova Shakespeare International, Gyula

Shakespeare International, EuroArt Iasi, Neoavangardă Iasi, Ici et Demain – Paris, Pledez pentru tine(ri) – Piatra Neamț, Orient Express Stuttgart, Theater "100, 1000, a million stories" Bucharest, Bucharest Comedy Festival, Summer Season A Performing Arts (SEAS) Constanta, Galati Comedy Festival.


Phone: 0251 416 942
