The "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova will present the show ALEGEREA, which is based on the play in one act written in 1960 in Versoix by Their Majesties King Mihai I and Queen Ana. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 and Thursday, December 1, 2022, at 17:00 at the MAURĂ Hall of PELEȘ Castle
The show is directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun, the scenography is signed by Lia Dogaru, the live music is composed and performed live by AG Weinberger, Florin Constantinescu signs the video design and the cast of the show is made up of the actors of the National Craiove: Claudiu Mihail, Marian Politic , Gabriel Marciu, Raluca Păun and the child Vladimir Politic.
In the volume A war, an exile, a life, Her Majesty Queen Ana testified:
That evening we began to write our lives: his life under communism, mine in the middle of a frivolous world. And then, together, we discovered a common character, the friend, who came with a third world, with a third voice. That of cleanliness, of purity. We continued to write and the lines came, they lined up naturally on the paper. The whole story was, therefore, written together; we intertwined our thoughts, ideas, fantasy. As I had done up until then in real life, as I have done ever since.
We were talking, writing, showing each other what we had written ourselves... It's curious, we were both writing without being able to stop. We were inspired! I called the piece Choice. I wrote it first in English, then in French and, years later, in Romanian. Only we couldn't find an end to it. And that's because we didn't know what answer to give to this world, how to contribute ourselves to the healing of the wounds that had touched us. The ending came from the soul and mind of both, sitting and reflecting together. The solution was [...] love. This is what we decided to do with the characters and our story in the play: to direct them towards love.
The choice made by the show's creative team is as simple as it is profound. Each of us, in different forms, reflects on the condition, role and place we have in our existence. Some express these thoughts, while others keep them locked away in the chest of their minds. From this idea, the director uses technological means to give the viewer the feeling that this meditation is in his own mind. In a simple setting with discreet touches of video design, the actors deliver the lines accompanied by the omnipresent music, which functions as a consciousness of the performance.
The play is loaded with meanings and raises issues of a philosophical nature, in a world caught in the struggle between two opposing ideologies. Here the inner struggle of the man caught between his weaknesses and his virtues is distinguished. Good in opposition to Evil. Darkness with Light. And choice, our salvation, can only be Love.
THE CHOICE: an invitation to reflection, a moving play about man and his place in the universe, about the spirit, passions and temptations of the human being.
Show details:
ENTRY to the show is FREE, within the limits of available seats, based on RESERVATION.
Reservation requests are sent to Information and details at no. 0244 314552, Public Relations Department of the Museum.
The show ALEGEREA is part of the cultural-educational program EDUCĂM IMPREUNĂ, which will take place in the period 2022-2026 and aims to ensure the process of cultural and historical education among students.
The program, initiated by the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova, was launched on Friday, November 18, 2022 at the Craiova National Theatre, in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Sofia.
The educational process included in the EDUCĂM ÎMPREUNĂ program will be carried out in a friendly, attractive manner that will facilitate the children's acquisition of some basic knowledge in the fields of history and theater. In this sense, the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater from Craiova has as project partners the Peleș National Museum from Sinaia and the National Museum of Transylvanian History from Cluj-Napoca, and the list of partners will be expanded along the way.
As part of the EDUCATE TOGETHER project, the Peleș National Museum will present a series of exhibitions in the museum space of the theater:
- Mary of Romania. Queen and artist.
- King Carol I. Founder of Modern Romania.
- Carol II of Romania. A controversial king.
- Michael I. The last king of Romania.
The first exhibition included in the project, Maria of Romania. Queen and artist, will be able to be visited until March 31, 2023 and includes objects that belonged to Queen Maria and informative materials regarding the life and work of Her Majesty.
At the same time, groups of students from schools in Dolj County as well as groups of children in social assistance centers will be able to participate in a series of activities organized in the foyer of the Amza Pellea Hall: theatrical play workshops, drawing, painting.
The educational route also includes watching video materials with moments from Romanian history that will be explained to children in a simple and attractive way.
Stands with theater and history books are open for sale, as well as with souvenir items illustrating historical moments and theatrical personalities, but also comic characters from fairy tales and stories. At the same time, the specialists of the Dr. Leahu Craiova Dental Clinic support dental education sessions: brushing teeth, dental hygiene, habits and skills specific to young and middle age.
Partners of the program are the University of Craiova through the Faculty of Social Sciences – the Department of History and the Faculty of Letters – the Department of Art and Media, the Dolj County Council through the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj as well as the Dolj County School Inspectorate.
The HISTORIC Auction House offers a series of objects that belonged to Her Majesty Queen Maria, such as the baptism certificate, letters, photo albums, postcards.
- Visit exhibitions and traveling museums: 5 lei / child (3-16 years): 15 lei / adult
- Participation in activities in the foyer: 5 lei / child
Contact person :
Department of Education, Young Creators
Jeni Topală, artistic impresario
Phone: 0773773990
Institutional partners of the EDUCĂM ÎMPREUNĂ program: Peleș Sinaia National Museum, Transylvanian History Museum Cluj-Napoca, Dolj County School Inspectorate, General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Dolj, University of Craiova (Faculty of Sciences Social Sciences and the Faculty of Letters)
Sponsors: Mr. Dan Simionescu, Casa Noastra, Leonidas, Florist IRIS Craiova.
Private partners: HISTORIC Auction House, Dental Clinic Dr. Leahu Craiova
Media partner: Radio Romania Oltenia Craiova
Contact the theater agency:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Street, no. 11, in the theater building
Phone: 0251.413.677
Schedule: Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 19:00; Saturday – Sunday: 12:00 – 19:00