TNT 2022
The festival Theater Networking Talents (TNT) is a meeting and dialogue platform for all creators in the performing arts, focusing primarily on theatre directors who graduated last year. Recent graduates of university directing programmes from Romania and abroad are invited to Craiova to present their degree/dissertation shows and to get in touch with the professional theatre environment. TNT is a meeting place for young directors not only with future colleagues and collaborators, but also with theatre managers, artistic directors, independent producers and festival programmers.
Purpose of the activity
THEATER NETWORKING TALENTS (T.N.T) has an educational, cultural and social purpose, being a festival dedicated to young theatre directors, whose undergraduate or dissertation productions can be seen by the student community and beyond.
The general objective of the project is to create a meeting and dialogue platform for young creators in the field of performing arts, focusing primarily on theatre directors graduating this year, by designing and creating an online multimedia platform and organizing a theatre festival dedicated to the directors of the class of 2020 from Romania and Europe.
About TNT 2022
Cea de-a IV-a ediție a Festivalului Tinerilor Regizori – Theater Networking Talents -(TNT), va avea loc la Craiova între 5 și 9 iulie . The event is organized by the "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre of Craiova and the Arts and Media Department of the University of Craiova, with the support of partners: the "Traian Demetrescu" House of Culture and UNITER.
Performances, debates, workshops, urban installations, concerts, short film screenings are just some of the activities that will take place during Theater Networking Talents (TNT).
After two years in which the epidemiological situation made it impossible to organize the festival, this marathon edition will bring together a selection of the best productions of Romanian filmmakers who graduated from the faculty in the classes 2020/2021/2022 (bachelor and master). Invited are paisprezece spectacole ale absolvenților din București, Cluj-Napoca și Târgu-Mureș, producții montate pe texte clasice, contemporane sau chiar devised.
Many of them have already been taken over or produced by theater companies such as #Reactor of creation and experiment Cluj-Napoca, Dramatic Theater „Ion D. Sîrbu” Petroșani, Theater for children and youth “Luceafărul” Iași, Municipal Theater „Matei Vișniec” Suceava , Constanța State Theater or L.S. Municipal Theater Bulandra, Bucharest.
Spectacolele vor fi prezentate în cadrul unui showcase în fața publicului craiovean, a managerilor de teatre, producătorilor independenți sau selecționerilor de festivaluri invitați din toată țara, precum și a altor artiști, viitori colegi de breaslă.
Cele 14 nume pe care ediția a IV-a a TNT le aduce în prim-plan sunt Tudor Antofie, Răzvan Enciu, Irisz Kovacs, Petro Ionescu, Vlad Isăilă, Irina Moscu, Alin Neguțoiu, Tudor Nicorici, Bianca Oprea, Mara Oprea, Cosmin Panaite, Mihai Păcurar, Monica Stoica și Máté Szilvay. Spectacolele lor vor putea fi urmărite în cele trei săli ale Teatrului Național “Marin Sorescu” din Craiova .
Alături de cele 14 spectacole ale regizorilor din showcase, programul Theater Networking Talents (TNT) include și numeroase activități dedicate atât artiștilor din toate domeniile artelor spectacolului cât și publicului larg: dezbateri (moderate de Iulia Popovici), instalații, scurtmetraje ale absolvenților de regie film (selecționate de Andrei Rus) și concertul de inchidere(susținut de Valeria Stoica).
TNT continuă parteneriatul cu Goethe Institut, prin workshop-urile programului internațional New Stages Southeast, în cadrul cărora tineri dramaturgi și regizori vor continua lucrul la proiectele începute la Craiova în toamna anului trecut, sub îndrumarea mentorilor Rebekka Kricheldorf și Theodor Cristian Popescu.
Pentru evenimentele din cadrul TNT intrarea este liberă, în limita locurilor disponibile, pe baza rezervărilor făcute la Agenția de bilete a Teatrului Național „Marin Sorescu” . Pagina de Facebook a evenimentului :
TNT 2022 Programme
18:00 ― Sala Studio – de ce sa fii frumos
by Neil LaBute
Directed by Mara Oprea
UNATC "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, license 2021
show taken over by Bulandra Theatre Bucharest
20:00 ― Foaier TNC – Lansarea platformei TNT 2022
21:00 ― Grădina TNC – concert IMPEX
11:00 ― Foaier TNC – TNTalks
How do we prepare for a new world?
debate moderated by Iulia Popovici
13:30 ― Sala Studio – Hikikomori
by Holger Schober
Directed by Tudor Nicorici
University "Babeș-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, bachelor 2021
a show produced by "Luceafărul" Theatre Iasi
18:00 ― Sala Atelier – 8 tați
by Tina Muller
Directed by Irisz Kovacs
University "Babeș-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, bachelor 2021
a show produced by the Constanta State Theatre
21:00 ― Sala Mare – Sclavi
by Maria Manolescu Borşa
Directed by Cosmin Panaite
University of Arts Târgu-Mureș, master 2022
a performance produced by the Municipal Theatre "Matei Vișniec" Suceava
11:00 ― Foaier TNC – TNTalks
Hidden theatrical diamonds in literature and film
debate moderated by Iulia Popovici
13:00 ― Sala Atelier – Partea 1. Iubirea
collective creation, dramaturgy Cosmin Stănilă and Petro Ionescu
Directed by Petro Ionescu (Universitatea de Arte Târgu-Mureș, master 2022)
show produced by #Reactor of creation and experiment Cluj-Napoca
16:00 ― Sala Studio – Disney Thriller
by Philip Ridley
Directed by Monica Stoica
UNATC "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, license 2022
19:30 ― Sala Mare – Viața e vis
by Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Directed by Tudor Antofie
University "Babeș-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca, bachelor 2022
show produced by the Dramatic Theater „Ion D. Sîrbu” Petroșani
22:00 ― Sala Mare – TNT Cinema Night
short films by Film Directing graduates
selected by Andrei Rus, followed by discussions with directors
Refugee # 99 , directed by Roberta Șerban
Growing up under a bitter cherry tree, Directed by: Agata Olteanu
Fragmentations , directed by Miruna Minculescu
Elephant away , directed by Teona Galgoțiu
Transitions , directed by Bogdan Balla
11:00 ― Foaier TNC – TNTalks
Who is the author? Director-playwright collaboration in a director's theatre
debate moderated by Iulia Popovici
13:30 ― Aula Buia – Wasted
de Kae Tempest
Directed by Vlad Isăilă
UNATC "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, license 2022
16:00 ― Sala Atelier – Restul vieții noastre
collective creation, dramaturgy Sabina Balan
Directed by Alin Neguțoiu
UNATC "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, license 2020
show produced by #Reactor of creation and experiment Cluj-Napoca
18:30 ― Sala Mare – Trei Surori
după Anton Pavlovici Cehov
Directed by Irina Moscu
Universitatea de Arte Târgu-Mureș, master 2022
21:00 ― Sala Studio – Interior-Lumină
by Ioana Hogman
Directed by Mihai Păcurar
University of Arts Târgu-Mureș, master 2020
show produced by #Reactor of creation and experiment Cluj-Napoca
11:00 ― Foaier TNC – TNTalks
Young director looking for stage
debate moderated by Iulia Popovici
13:30 ― Sala Atelier – Groapa cu Nisip
by Michał Walczak
Directed by Bianca Oprea
UNATC "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, license 2022
16:00 ― Sala Studio – Chip de foc
de Marius von Mayenburg
Directed by Răzvan Enciu
UNATC "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, license 2022
19:00 ― Sala Mare – Cum vă place
by William Shakespeare
Directed by Máté Szilvay
Târgu-Mureș University of Arts, Hungarian department, 2021 license
* 1h50min
22:00 ― Grădina TNC – Ceremonia de închidere și concert VALERIA STOICA
5-9 iulie – Esplanada TNC – Instalații Urbane
Homo sapiens Vastum , Diana Nistor and Cătălin Manea
120.90, Mihai Birtu