CULTURAL SHUTTLE #4 – Bucharest – Craiova – Bucharest – for the dog and man production. dog without man signed by Radu Afrim at the Craiova National Theatre

Datorită numărului foarte mare de solicitări, Teatrul Național „Marin Sorescu” din Craiova dedică cea de a patra ediție a NAVETEI CULTURALE spectacolului dog with man. dog without man regizat de Radu Afrim, o producție ce a avut premiera în luna octombrie a anului 2021 și care s-a bucurat de un mare succes atât în rândul spectatorilor cât și în rândul criticilor de specialitate.    


Iubitorii de teatru din București vor putea călători în scop cultural la Craiova sâmbătă, 5 martie 2022 pentru a vedea spectacolul dog with man. dog without man în regia lui Radu Afrim și scenografia Irinei Moscu, un spectacol „ce îţi amplifică toate sentimentele din cotloane, pe care prea rar le scoţi la lumină.Alina Epîngeac, theatre critic


Plecarea către Craiova se va face dimineața la ora 10:00 din București, TNB (parcarea din fața Sălii Studio).  Întoarcerea va fi după spectacol, în același loc.


Prețul biletului (127 lei) include transportul tur-retur cu autocarul și biletul la spectacol, iar biletele pot fi achiziționate direct din site-ul teatrului:


Through its ideational and aesthetic quality, the show dog with man, dog without man deserves every effort of travel from the spectators. If not to find out, at least to start wondering who I really am.

Sanda Vișan, Adevă


dog with man. dog without a manis the fourth show that Radu Afrim has staged at the National Craiove, after If we thought out loud by Adnan Lugonić, Casa cu suricate by David Drábek and the recently awarded production Heart and other meat dishes by Dan Coman, winner of the UNITER Award for the best show of 2020.


A show with/about dogs? What's this? These dogs are, in fact, a pretext for playing stories about us. About me. About the animal in me that has long since been killed, buried, forgotten but deeply regretted. It's about man seen through the eyes of a dog. About the animal-man. About man-animal competition. And the animal, of course, wins because it is honest. These dog stories, I think, reveal our limitations. It's nothing new. Indeed, "it's smoked," some would say. But these stories are so rich and brilliantly written that the emotional impact is imminent.

Vlad Udrescu, actor


dog with man. dog without manis a show based on texts by Lia Bugnar, Dan Coman, Simona Goșu, Maria Manolescu, Oana Pellea, Radu Tudoran and Radu Afrim. The direction, video and sound universe are signed by Radu Afrim, scenography by Irina Moscu, choreography by Flavia Giurgiu and the cast includes the actors Alex Calangiu, George Albert Costea, Ramona Drăgulescu, Romanita Ionescu, Iulia Lazăr, Geni Maxsim, Alina Mangra, Claudiu Mihail, Cătălin Mihai Miculeasa, Raluca Păun, Tamara Popescu, Vlad Udrescu, Costinela Ungureanu, Petronela Zurba, Adrian Tudor, Mihai Viță.

The show "Dog and Man. Dog without man" staged by Radu Afrim at the Marin Sorescu National Theatre in Craiova is not only an opportunity to put together touching stories with and about dogs. It is a successful attempt to send Man in the skin of his best friend, the Dog, in order to better understand the true value of the most important themes that cross all of us during our short life on this earth, which we should not overshadow for nothing.

Luciana Antofi, cultural journalist

Radu Afrim's performance challenges us to look deeper into ourselves than we are usually willing to do. We probably tend to think we are better, more merciful, more fair, more human than we are, and that's why we prefer to keep the animal in us hidden, tightly chained. We keep it so well locked up that we forget about it. And then we are no longer vigilant, and the non-human, the inhuman escapes and wreaks havoc. And we are astonished, precisely because we thought that if we stopped thinking about these gaps in the desired inner perfection they would cease to exist. But this painful mirror that Afrim holds up to our subconscious is not meant as a criticism, not as an accusing finger pointed at our imperfections. The aim is not to bow our heads in shame, but to be more aware, more realistic about the limits, the goodness and generosity we believe we are capable of.

Silvia Dumitrache, Cultural Observatory

dog with man. dog without man

a performance on texts by Lia Bugnar, Dan Coman, Simona Goșu, Maria Manolescu, Oana Pellea, Radu Tudoran and Radu Afrim

Director, video and sound universe: Radu Afrim

Scenography: Irina Moscu

Choreography: Flavia Giurgiu

Video effects & animation: Cristian Niculescu

Assistant director: Claudia Gorun

Assistant set designer: Gloria Bucătaru

Make-up: Minela Popa, Mihaela Guran

Design lumini: Dodu Ispas

video people and dogs: Orlando Edward

With: Alex Calangiu, George Albert Costea, Ramona Drăgulescu, Romanița Ionescu, Iulia Lazăr, Geni Macsim, Alina Mangra, Claudiu Mihail, Cătălin Mihai Miculeasa, Raluca Păun, Tamara Popescu, Vlad Udrescu, Costinela Ungureanu, Petronela Zurba, Adrian Tudor, Mihai Viță

Duration of the show

Part I - 1h 50 min

Pauză: 1h

Part II: 2h 


Având în vedere reglementările legale în vigoare, participarea este permisă doar pentru persoanele care sunt vaccinate împotriva virusului SARS-CoV-2 și pentru care au trecut 10 zile de la finalizarea schemei complete de vaccinare, cât și pentru persoanele care prezintă rezultatul negativ al unui test RT-PCR pentru infecția cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 nu mai vechi de 72 de ore sau rezultatul negativ certificat al unui test antigen rapid pentru infecția cu virusul SARS- CoV-2 nu mai vechi de 48 de ore. De asemenea, participarea este permisă și persoanelor care se află în perioada cuprinsă între a 15-a zi și a 180-a zi ulterioară confirmării infectării cu virusul SARS-CoV-2.


Contact the theater agency:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Street, no. 11, in the theater building
Phone: 0251.413.677
Schedule: Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 19:00; Saturday – Sunday: 12:00 – 19:00






Când: 5 martie 2022, ora 10:00 – 24:00  

Where: "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova


The "Marin Sorescu" National Theater in Craiova is one of the most important theaters in the country, with a tradition of over 170 years and a prestigious international activity whose long and rich history culminated with the legendary performances of Silviu Purcărete, presented in the most important theater festivals around the world, but also with the immense international success of the Shakespeare Festival, which brings to Romania performances from five continents, every two years.

Now, with a contemporary vision, the theatre addresses present and future perspectives, addressing an increasingly broad spectrum of audiences in line with current challenges.

Foto din spectacol © foto Albert Dobrin


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