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Bordel 2.0

Direction and text: Andreea Iacomiță

Set design: Ruxandra Preda

Cast:: Nicoleta Moscalenco, Cătălina Florea, Silviu Lupescu, Elena Asofiei, Andrei Rosz

Age restriction: 14+

As the title suggests, the show is centered around a delicate subject, prostitution generates a story that focuses on the weaknesses, frustrations and needs of the human being.

The perverse mechanism behind the idea of pimping is suggested with much humour and irony, cutting, in this sense, life situations that represent those moments when we are tricked, either by our own naivety or by a convincing speech to make the wrong decision.

"I consider this kind of performance necessary in the current theatrical context because it puts a reality in the spotlight not to condemn it but to offer the possibility of reflection and honest dialogue. The fact that the spectators are cast in an active role allows for a stronger awareness of the phenomenon of pimping."

Andreea Iacomita (director)

Brothel 2.0 is the story of bad choices that are camouflaged inside beautiful packaging. Costumes, make-up, perfume with a hint of a musical show invite the spectator on a journey to an ignored reality: the trafficking of flesh.

Obviously, we know that prostitution is illegal, immoral, wrong and is the choice of some. Why? Poverty? Yes! Ignorance? Probably. The truth is that sometimes it's simply an attractive choice that holds the promise of a better, richer, easier life.

Brothel 2.0 is a show about those moments when we let ourselves be fooled by our own dreams which, without realizing it, have become illusions that slowly destroy us.


“Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziția Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabilă de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite. Acestea sunt în întreaga responsabilitate a beneficiarului finanțării.”

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