Caragiale best of

„Amza Pellea” Hall

Collaborating actors

after texts by I.L Caragiale

Text adaptation: Vlad Drăgulescu, Claudiu Mihail and Cătălin-Mihai Miculeasa

Directed by: Vlad Drăgulescu

Cast: Mihai Viță, Ovidiu Teodor Cârstea

Premiere date: 15 April 2019

Duration: 60 min

"Caragiale Best Of" is a show dedicated to students in grades V-XII and includes a series of scenes from the plays studied in school.

Lache and Mache remain failing and realise that the only chance of promotion is to learn the subject. Convinced that at least one of the subjects will be by I.L. Caragiale, they start repeating together the works of the writer included in the curriculum. "A Lost Letter", "Mr. Goe", "The Visit", "In Time of War", "The Ox and the Calf" don't seem so hard to remember when you have company to study with.

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