The sand monster

by Csaba Székely

Directed by: Irina Crăiță-Mândră

Set Design: Cezarina Popescu

Technical Direction: Cristian Petec

Prompter: Adrian Țîrcă

Cast:: Iulia Colan, Ioana Florentina Manciu, Romaniţa Ionescu, Alina Mangra, Raluca Păun, Cătălin Vieru, Claudiu Mihail, Ştefan Cepoi, Marian Politic

Premiere date: 17 December 2017

Duration: 95 min.

Genre of the show: Dark Comedy

**show recommended for audiences over 16 years old


The eternally complicated problem of the couple is the focus of this waterfall show. "The Sand Monster" is a black comedy in whose dramatic style one can feel the imprint and the vibrancy of genius Romanian authors: I.L. Caragiale, Teodor Mazilu or Matei Vișniec. The play is a montage of scenes that are interspersed in variable couple formulas: a series of five men and women. They are named after fruits: Blueberry, Peach, Strawberry, Cherry and Orange, and the men are named after colours: Brown, Black, Ochre, Red and Green. Colours are tricky, be careful how they change!


"In The Sand Monster, the excellent dramatist that is Székely Csaba is no longer concerned with what is happening in a Sécuime obsessed with the survival of Hungarianism on the background of communist residues (the Orb de mîna trilogy), nor with the complicated Romanian-Hungarian relations (MaRo) , neither of the memories from the vanished world of socialist ethics and equity (Do you like bananas, comrades?) nor of the imaginary enemies of our ethnic purity and our deeds which, without the interference of allogenes, would have been excitingly exemplary (Four political pieces) . Not. This time, Székely Csaba is concerned with the issue of the couple... The sequences themselves are excellently supported by the young troupe of the Marin Sorescu Theater from Craiova (they are very good - Iulia Colan, Ioana Florentina Manciu, Romanita Ionescu, Alina Mangra, Raluca Păun, Cătălin Vieru , Claudiu Mihail, Ştefan Cepoi, Marian Politic)..."

Mircea Morariu,, 20 December 2017

"Theatrical space is cut out, thanks to the minimal but suggestive scenography created by Cezarina Iulia Popescu so that the sequences unfold at an alert pace. This is, by the way, the main asset of Irina Crăiţa Mândră's direction - the rhythm that keeps the viewer hooked, giving him the opportunity to build in his mind the correct temporal architecture of the events (...) And from the troupe of young actors from Craiova, they distance themselves, without a doubt , Iulia Colan (...) A good show, on a topical theme - failure in couples - whose successes are rather the text and the actors' interpretation, than the director's vision."

Cristi Nedelcu, Couple stories, Mozaicul, no.1/2018

"The sand monster is a show created in a small space, where the audience can feel tangents with the types in front of it... The original sin, invoked by the relentless Afina, written by Székely Csaba in a justifying monologue, is simple: infidelity. Afina assumes the role of justice angel. So beautiful, she has a face that charms but also intrigues, Iulia Colan offering the perfect expressiveness for this double meaning. Always accompanied by a mysterious large bag, she placidly describes her approach, natural, similar to those insects, called nuns, that devour their sexual partners."

Marius Dobrin, Fear of Love, SpectActor
