Patrel Berceanu Literature Festival - 2nd edition

15-16 September 2022, Craiova

The Marin Sorescu National Theatre and the Craiova Branch of the Romanian Writers' Union are organising the 2nd edition of the "Patrel Berceanu" Literature and Drama Festival from 15-16 September 2022. The project is included in the programme Mnemosyne - Muze@Poezie - by the manager of the Marin Sorescu National Theatre.

The first edition held in 2019, in collaboration with the Town Hall and the House of Culture of Băilești Municipality, debated the literary work of the writer Patrel Berceanu (1951-2006) and evoked his memory by the participating writers, as well as the void left by his early departure.

The current edition of the festival aims to bring into discussion the work of Patrel Berceanu, an eminent connoisseur of Romanian theatre. Thus, on 15 September, the Marin Sorescu National Theatre will host a debate on the theme "Theatrologist and literary secretary - living memory of the stage", with a focus on Patrel Berceanu's work and books. Guests from all over the country, theatre critics and theatre experts, as well as writers, actors and musicians from Craiova will participate.

Craiova National Theatre will republish the monographs of the performances in a volume Titus Andronicus and Ubu rex with scenes from Macbeth (directed by Silviu Purcărete) designed and written by Patrel Berceanu.

September 16 is reserved for poetry, discussions on the critical reception of his work in posthumous times, book launches. Craiovian poets will give short readings of their poetry and actors from the Craiovian National Theatre will recite Patrel Berceanu's poetry. There will be several book presentations by the invited authors.

The day will culminate with a conference given by the poet Vasile Baghiu, a special guest at the Poets' Assembly 2022. He will give the conference The chimeric metaverse of poetry.


16 years after the disappearance of one of the most valuable poets and intellectuals of Craiova, Patrel Berceanu, his profile can be established as an effigy of the creative space of the area - and not only that. In 2019, we paid tribute, in a group of friends and admirers, to the life and work of a writer for whom his poetry, theater, publicism are a landmark of spirituality in this part of the country. The "Patrel Berceanu" poetry festival had its moment then. But the years that followed this first impulse, burdened by the pandemic and generalized suspicion, blocked the continuation of an initiative to which the poet and publicist Mihai Firică rallied. The first edition brought together writers in solidarity with the memory of a poet and man of culture loved in the city and cherished in places of spiritual choice.

Patrel Berceanu cultivated the art of dialogue, friendship, cordial polemic. There are many writers and artists who keep it alive in their memory but mystify it in their memory. In the writers' gatherings in Craiova, he was the most lucid voice - of the opposition to freezing, ankylosing, cult of personality, stupidity. He fought head-on the byzantism of a dozen in certain areas of the literary guild, the veleitarism and duplicity that had become the norm of life, the shortcomings of Romanian theatrical life. It was for professionalism and lucidity in profession, art, life. Just as intensely, he was the first to praise the delicacy and discretion of those who understood: true art is for people, not for archives, museums and personal aggrandizements. The irony underlying poems or pamphlets aimed at opportunists and careerists at the top was his trademark and honest badge.

His cultural initiatives and activities make Patrel Berceanu a writer with superior civic involvement, driven by a rare feeling of compassion and charity, and the literature, including the theatrical one, that was left behind can be an example of professionalism and altruism including for the young generations. He would have turned 71 on April 19, 2022.

The program of events

 Thursday, 15.09.2019, Craiova

- 15,45 - Opening of the "Patrel Berceanu" Literature and Drama Festival - 2nd edition - "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova (foyer).

- 16.00-18.00 - Round table: "Theatrical and literary secretary - living memory of the stage". Participants: Doru Mareș, theatreologist, writer (Bucharest), Victoria Balint, theatreologist "Regina Maria" Theatre (Oradea), Codruța Popov, artistic consultant "Mihai Eminescu" National Theatre (Timișoara), Gabriela Riegler, Public Relations, National Museum of Romanian Literature (Bucharest), Mădălin Guruianu, image advisor, "Opera Comică pentru Copii" (Bucharest), Emil Boroghină, honorary member of the TN "Marin Sorescu" (Craiova), Nicolae Marinescu, director of Ed. "Aius" (Craiova).

Moderator, Nicolae Coande

Launch of the performance monographs: Patrel Berceanu, Titus Andronicus & Ubu rex with scenes from Macbeth, Ed. Aius, 2022.

Presentation of the book Ariel behind the scenes, coordinators Elisabeta Pop, Raluca Sas Marinescu (Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021)


Friday, 16.09.2022

11:oo - Evocation of the writer Patrel Berceanu - writers, literary critics, poets (includes recital of a poem by the participants). Musical moment: Mircea Suchici

12:oo - Performance-reading by actors of the National Theatre "Marin Sorescu" Portrait in time" - evocations, poetry recital with the participation of actors Eugen Titu, Angel Rababoc, Nicolae Vicol

13:00 - Awarding of the "Patrel Berceanu" Prize for Poetry

17:00 - Conference Vasile Baghiu, "The anthemic metaverse of poetry" (Poets' Assembly 2022)

Book launches Ionel Ciupureanu (hangare, Max Blecher Publishing House, 2022) Vasile Baghiu (Assisted breathing, Ed. Eikon, 2021), Claudiu Komartin (17 love poems and a pantoum, imperfect, Max Blecher Publishing House), Nicolae Coande (Tequila Verano/Vara Tequila, Ed. Autograf MJM, 2022), Mihai Firică ( Anilos perdidos en oceanos desconocides/ Rings lost in unknown oceans, Ed. NoteBook poiesis, Chile, 2022), Marius Ghica (Paul Valery, Caiete, Ed. Humanitas, 2022), Constantin Barbu (Ten elegies that finish writing, Ed. Revers 2022)

Presented by Nicolae Coande, Mihai Firică

Organizers: "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre Craiova, Writers' Union of Romania - Craiova Branch.


Patrel Berceanu was born on 19 April 1951 in Băilești. In 1980 he graduated from the Institute of Theatrical and Cinematographic Arts (Theatre and Film Department). During his studies he attended the "Amfiteatru" cenacle, and later he was one of the active participants of the "Ramuri" cenacle led by the writer Marin Sorescu. He was an admirable literary secretary of the National Theatre of Craiova (1990-2006), in the line built by names such as Liviu Rebreanu, Adrian Maniu, Ion D. Sîrbu, but also director of the "Colibri" Theatre of Craiova and secretary of the Craiova Branch of the USR (1994-1996). He was a member of the Romanian Writers' Union, a member of UNITER and a member of the Romanian section of the International Association of Theatre Critics.

He made his publicistic debut with poetry in Preludiu (the literary and artistic supplement of "Scânteii tierentului", no. 31/1969). A year later, he made his publishing debut with the volume of poetry "Sentimentul barricadei" (Ed. Scrisul Românesc, 1976). He collaborated on the magazines "Romania literară", "Ramuri", "Luceafărul", "Amphiteatru", "Student Life", "Teatrul", "Vatra", "Familia", "The Literary-Artistic Supplement of the Spark of Youth", "Viaţa Romanian", "Tribune", etc. Abroad, he published in the magazines "Belvedere" (France, 1995) and "Wiener Festwochen" (Austria, 1993). After his debut, Patrel Berceanu published the volumes of poetry "Poems in natural size" (Ed. Scrisul Românesc, 1983), "The great incident" (Ed. Eminescu, 1984 ), "Civil Tears" (Ed. Scrisul Românesc, 1991), "Planetă de poet", anthology (Ed. MJM, Craiova, 2003), as well as theatrical monographs "Titus Andronicus - monograph of a theatrical event" (Ed. Aius, 1997) and "Ubu Rex with scenes from Macbeth" (Ed. Aius, 2000). Together with Doina Pologea, his wife, he signed the volume "New stories after Shakespeare's plays" (Ed. Dionysos, 1992). He is present with poetry in the anthologies "Young Poets of a new Romania" (Forest Books. London & Boston, 1991), "Day after Night" (Criterion Publishing, USA, 1999), Sorescu's Choice, (Bloodaxe Books, Ireland, 2002).

He is the holder of the following awards: "Luceafărul" Magazine Award (1974), "Amfiteatru" Magazine Award (1976, 1980), "Ramuri" Magazine Award (1984), U.T.C. Award (1984), Award of the Craiova Branch of the Romanian Writers' Union (1991, 1992). In 2004 he was awarded by the Presidency of Romania the Third Class Cultural Merit Medal, category F - for "Promotion of Culture". He participated in the Symposium of Theater Leaders from Southeast Europe (Budapest, 1993), the Meeting of Press Attachés within the European Theater Convention (CTE, Paris, 1999) and the University and School Theater Seminar (University of Corsica, Bastia, 1999). In 1994 he benefited from a research internship at the National Drama Center in Caen (France).

He died on May 2, 2006, in Bucharest.

At the first edition of the Festival, his poetry anthology was printed, "six kinds of fear, seven kinds of courage", edited by Doina Pologea (Ed. Aius, 2019). At this edition, the prize for poetry was handed to the poet Marian Drăghici.


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