"LAST" - book-event by Ion D. Sîrbu - launch at the National Theatre Craiova

Joi, 11 februarie, de la ora 16:00, vă invit la lansarea unei cărți-eveniment: „Ultimele”, de Ion D. Sîrbu.

Toma Velici, the indefatigable editor of Ion D. Sîrbu's work, discovered unpublished manuscripts in the writer's archive and edited a book at the end of last year which includes testimonies from his hospital bed (between 21 November and 10 April 1989), published and unpublished letters from 23 November 1988 to 1 July 1989, testimonies recorded by the writer on magnetic tape 920 November 1988), the extensive interview proposed to the magazine Ramuri (which appeared in fragments in no. 2/February 1989), "The Notebooks of the Servant Dezideriu" (winter 1988-1989), as well as "The story of my poor life" (dated 7 June 1989).

It is a book-testament, gathered from the fragments of writing and time that Sîrbu had at his disposal before his departure on 17 September 1989.

The volume, published by Ed. Măiastra, Tg. Jiu, is the first in a series that Toma Velici will publish in the following years from the work so rich in meaning left to a confused posterity by Ion D. Sîrbu.

Presented by Nicolae Coande.

Public admission is free, in accordance with the rules set by the institution for the pandemic period.


Finanțarea volumului a fost asigurată de Carol Erdosfiu de miner, născut în Petrila, actor la Teatrul de Nord din Satu Mare (l-a cunoscut pe Ion D. Sîrbu când avea 12  ani, devenindu-i apropiat prieten în cea mai grea perioadă a vieții, după ieșirea din pușcărie) și de Doamna Cristina Sandorcustodele/ghidul Casei Memoriale „Ion D. Sîrbu“.


"I am just dying. […] My best books remain unwritten, this disease struck me like a black arrow coming from behind. I stand up straight and clean in front of my Transylvanian teachers: as much as I could, I honored my trust. I've written a lot about death - now that I have in my pocket both the "order to call" and the "order to leave the hearth", I feel liberated from literature. I'm preparing to join another team. I think that my friends, who left earlier, Blaga, Ghibu, Rusu, Roșca, Stanca, Cotruș, Eta Boeriu, on the Otopenii beyond, are waiting for me, waving flags. I deserved both my country and my language! ”

Ion D. Sîrbu, 3 June 1989, letter to Virgil Nemoianu

"In my life, you were - in the years of our correspondence - and you still remained a bright moment, which is fully confirmed by these moments of true balance. How many of our compatriots (and indeed how many of our contemporaries in general) manage so brilliantly (note: I measure my words well) to unite the smile of Voltairean Reason with a warm and whole faith in Being (as a human community, as a family, as tradition, as nature, as divinity), as you do? Such intellectual and existential performances may have been successful in Goethe's Weimar, but are never seen today. I add that my personal correspondence with you was a pure balm, restoring my trust in the human race…

Virgil Nemoianu, July 7, 1989, letter to Ion D. Sirbu

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