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National Culture Day - Poesis Theatre invites lovers of Eminescu's poetry to the first meeting in 2021

National Culture Day will be celebrated this year at the Marin Sorescu National Theatre, with an audience in the hall. The "Poesis" theatre (initiated by Mr Emil Boroghina and inaugurated by himself with a performance in 2020) opens this year's series of events, so far with 30% of the capacity of our halls.

Thus, on 15 January, Emil Boroghina will perform, from 11 am, at the "Amza Pellea" hall, the show "Reciting Eminescu. La steaua qui-a răsărit", a much appreciated show that the actor, who will soon be 81 years old, has performed in Romania, but also in Belgium, China, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Canada, Hungary, Greece, USA.

The repertoire includes the poems: We were both children…, Oh, stay, Wandering through the woods as a boy, Blue flower, Epistle to Chibici, Venus and Madonna, Epigones, The Thoughts of Poor Dionysus, From the waves of time…, Desire, Sleep, So tender…, Why don't you come to me…, I'm far from you, Over the tops, Out of hundreds of masts, Glossa, Books, Life, Letter I, Letter II, Letter III, Letter IV, Letter V, Luceafărul, Ode (in ancient meter), The years have passed, I have one more longing, Memento mori .

Admission to the public is free and will follow the rules of interaction and behaviour recommended during the pandemic period.

Emil Boroghină:

"... Eminescu's poetry is a lifelong obsession and even my last recital I performed in Tel Aviv of the love poetry of the world, in fact "Love at Senectute. Stronger than death is love ...", also ended with three sonnets from Eminescu. It was the famous biblical poem Song of Songs with which we began perhaps the most beautiful page of love poetry in the world, then we moved on to the Renaissance, to Dante and Ronsard and Shakespeare, in fact it was Dante, Petrarch, Michelangelo, Ronsard, Shakespeare and Eminescu, and I'm glad we ended with the sonnets of Mihai Eminescu."

Marius Dobrin:

„Bijutierul Emil Boroghină, probând acum, pe lângă dragostea pentru această artă, îndelunga răbdare în a-și rostui cuvânt lângă cuvânt, este surprinzător noua generație. Îmi pare semnificativă uimirea unui realizator al unei emisiuni, la Radio Guerilla, care după șiruri de tineri actori inivitați într-un format dedicat poeziei, a descoperit mobilitatea sprintenă a lui Emil Boroghină prin universul liric: totul din memorie! Această uimire a omului de radio spune multe despre o anume caracteristică a prezentului.  Altfel, contemporani cu o legendă, putem lua aminte la silueta omului care iese pe poarta casei sale cu grădină, pornește cu pas chibzuit, cu capul ușor plecat, înspre teatru. Totdeauna spre Teatru.”

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