Valer Dellakeza

Honorary member of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater (2004)

Born on March 29, 1942, Craiova. The debut on the Craiova stage took place in 1954, at the age of 12, with a leading role in a Soviet play, "Să nu i zic pe nume", directed by Ion S. Bologa. In 1956, he was lucky enough to be present in the Craiova theater, when what was later called the "Golden Promotion" came to Craiova: Sanda Toma, Silvia Popovici, Victor Rebengiuc, Amza Pellea, Constantin Rauțchi, Dumitru Rucăreanu, Gheorghe Cozorici , Vasile Nițulescu, Dinu Cernescu, Radu Penciulescu, Vlad Mugur. In 1962, he was hired, through a competition, as an ensemble actor at the National Theater Craiova, where he stood out in a series of important roles. In 1964 he was admitted to the Institute of Theatrical and Cinematographic Art "I. L. Caragiale" Bucharest, in the class of teacher Beate Fredanov, assistant. university Octavian Cotescu, lecturer Laurentiu Azimioara. In 1968, at the Casandra Theater Studio, in the fourth year, he played three main roles in the three graduation performances of the class in which he was a student. After graduation, he was assigned to the National Theater Craiova, where he debuted with the role of Alexe in the play "Iancu Jianu" by O. Măgureanu.

Until 1989, he performed dozens of roles, among which we mention some memorable ones: Iordache ("D-ale carnavalului"), directed by Valeriu Moisescu), Bertoldo ("Henric IV"), directed by Georgeta Tomescu), Ilie ("Tache , Ianke și Cadâr"), directed by Valentina Balogh, Trahanache ("A Lost Letter"), directed by Mircea Cornișteanu, Rică Venturiano ("A Stormy Night", directed by Mircea Cornișteanu), Louis XIII ("Marion Delorme"), directed by Georgeta Tomescu), Dan ("The third stake"), directed by Mircea Cornișteanu). He became noticed in the world of theater in 1989, with the role of Uncle Vanea in the play "Unchiul Vanea" by A. P. Cehov, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu, a role for which he received the U.T.C. Award. (Communist Youth Union). The peak of his career took place in 1999 with the role of Truffaldino ("Servant to two masters" directed by Vlad Mugur) for which "Scena" magazine declared him the best actor of the year. In 2000, he was awarded the Award for the best actor of the season designated by UNITER.

He collaborated with the director Silviu Purcărete in reference performances for European and world theater: Madam Ubu ("Ubu rex with scenes from Macbeth"), Demetrius ("Titus Andronicus"), Aegis ("Orestia"), Duke Orsino ("A 12- a night"), Bernardino ("Measure for Measure").

Other important roles from this period are: Jupânul Jacques ("The Miser", directed by Bocsárdi Lászlo), Gaev ("Cherry Orchard", directed by Alexa Visarion), Excellence ("Where's the revolver?, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu), Senectus (" Caligula", directed by Bocsárdi Lászlo), Tót ("The Tót Family", directed by Bocsárdi Lászlo).

Recently, he was cast in the mega international theatrical production "Bros", directed by Romeo Castellucci, in the role of the prophet Jeremiah. He played in films directed by Lucian Georgescu, Dan Pița, Cristi Puiu, Sinișa Dragin, Bogdan Cristian Drăgan, Adrian Petringenaru, Vlad Păunescu, etc.

Since 2004, he has been an honorary member of the Craiova National Theatre. In 2012 he became an Honorary Citizen of the municipality of Craiova. In 2013, he was awarded the National Order "Faithful Service" in the rank of Knight, awarded by the President of Romania Traian Băsescu, and in 2019 he received the National Order "Faithful Service" in the rank of "Officer", awarded by the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis. In 2012, he was awarded by UNITER for his entire activity. In 2013, he receives the third UNITER award, for the role of Mr. Tót, in the show "Familia Tót". In 2014 he was celebrated on the big stage of the Craiova National Theater with the show "Dellakeza from the theater, 60 years on the same stage", and in March 2022 he was celebrated at the "Ion D. Sîrbu" hall on his 80th birthday ( in dialogue with theater critic Marina Constantinescu).

"...Uncle Vanea, a role in which Dellakeza reaches the state of grace of the performer-creator, a rare moment, if not unique in the actor's career. Humble lover or furious avenger, cabotin or ironic philosopher, drunk or lucid, Valer Dellakeza embodies a Vanea as some of us imagined him, maybe as Chekhov wanted him, certainly as Cornișteanu thought."

Alice Georgescu, Chronicle of the directorial vision: Chekhov rediscovered in an exemplary performance, "Teatrul", 1989

"Serving exclusively the Craiova National stage for more than 30 years, Valer Dellakeza finally had the chance of essential meetings, with important directors and first-rate roles, able to consecrate him as one of the great actors of his generation. "

                  Victor Parhon, "Teatrul azi", October/November 1999

"For this role, Castellucci organized an international casting that Valer Dellakeza (National Theater "Marin Sorescu" Craiova) won at the age of 81. An actor whose experience flourishes in speaking the text in Romanian (according to the director's concept, the word counts as vibration, as transmitted vital energy, not as semantic meanings), plus some quotes in Latin ("You can't tell the past what to do" , "Celebrating the edges keeps the circle intact", "The part that appears is nothing without the part that does not appear", etc.). Clothed in white, with a wooden staff for support, Jeremiah prophesies through verb and corporeality. Dellakeza is…divine!”

Oltița Cântec - With Romeo Castellucci, in the lowest circle of human hell, "Cultural Observatory", no. 1155/ April 27, 2023

"... but there are also awards that can bury when they are too heavy for the shoulders that carry them. The past management of Boroghină (offff!), through the great performances of Silviu Purcărete, stood, after the departure of the two, like a sword over our heads, that's why we made a big, serious mistake. We lacked the mirror in which to believe. And to remind you, I and my theater are the recipients of the awards. Since the revolution, we have won 12 international awards at the biggest Theater Festivals in the world, and over 100 national awards."

Valer Dellakeza, "I feel sad every time I see many actors on stage and few artists", interview conducted by Dana Ionescu, Yorick magazine, 2013.