Ruxandra Cesereanu comes to the "Gathering of Poets"

Ruxandra Cesereanu comes to the "Gathering of Poets" - Saturday, November 25, 1:00 p.m.

Poet Ruxandra Cesereanu is Nicolae Coande's guest at the cultural event "Poets' Gathering", a project initiated in 2016. The meeting will take place in the foyer of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre. Saturday, November 25, 1:00 p.m.

Vor fi lansate trei cărți ale autoarei: antologia „Ruxandra Cesereanu. O sută și una de poezii”, îngrijită de Giovanni Magliocco (prefață), Ilona Duță (postfață), Editura Academiei Române, 2022; reeditarea poemului „Femeia-cruciat”, ediție bilingvă română-italiană, traducere și prefață de Giovanni Magliocco, postfață de Ilona Duță, Editura Vinea, 2023; antologia „Panteră neagră am fost cândva”, prefață de Giovanni Magliocco, postfață de Ilona Duță, Editura Cartier, 2023.

Giovanni Magliocco and Ilona Duță will present the author's poetry, who will read poems from the three published books.

Moderator, Nicolae Coande

Admission is free.


Ruxandra CESEREANU was born in Cluj, on August 17, 1963. She is currently a professor at the Department of Comparative Literature of the Faculty of Letters of "Babeș-Bolyai" University in Cluj. He is part of the Phantasma staff of the Imaginary Research Center, where he held creative writing workshops in poetry, prose and film script (2002-2018). He published eight books of poetry, the best known being: Oceanul Schizoidian (1998, 2006); Venice with purple veins. Letters of a courtesan (2002, 2015); Kore-Persephone (2004); Coma (2008); California (on Someș) (2014); Letter to a Friend and Back to Country (2018). She is the author of two experimental books of poetry, written by four hands, together with Andrei Codrescu (Submarinul iertat, 2007) and Marius Conkan (Ținutul Celălalt, 2011). She has four books of poetry translated into the United States (Schizoid Ocean, 1997, translated by Adam J. Sorkin and Claudia Litvinchievici; Lunacies, 2004, translated by Adam J. Sorkin; Crusader-Woman, 2008, translated by Adam J. Sorkin ; and Forgiven Submarine, 2009, translated by Andrei Codrescu, co-author of the book) and two books of poems translated into Italian (Coma, 2011; Venezia dalla vene viola. Lettere da una cortigiana, 2015, the translations being signed by Giovanni Magliocco). As a prose writer, she has published seven books, the best known being Nebulon (Polirom, 2005); The birth of liquid desires (Cartea Românească, 2007); Angelus (Humanitas, 2010) and One Sky Above Them (Polirom, 2013, 2015). The novel Angelus was published in English in 2015, translated by Alistair Ian Blyth, and in Bulgarian in 2017, translated by Hristo Boev. Ruxandra Cesereanu also published eight books of essays.

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