Joi, 28 ianuarie, de la ora 16,oo, în foaierul Teatrului Național Marin Sorescu” va avea loc lansarea cărții de dialoguri, Urmele nevăzute care rămân (Ed. Aius, 2020). Marius Dobrin a dialogat cu Nicolae Marinescu, directorul revistei „Mozaicul”, iar acesta s-a confesat cu plăcere. Întâlnirea a avut loc în 2014, dialogul a fost publicat inițial în revista „Prăvălia culturală” (red. șef – Cornel Mihai Ungureanu).
Presented by Nicolae Coande.
So, 6 years after that dialogue, the two writers had the idea to gather these confessions in a book in which Nicolae Marinescu, one of the most active intellectuals in Craiova's cultural plan, unravels fragments of his life, but also the projects that have led to the construction of a magazine that mentored the great intellectual Adrian Marino. An important role was played by the literary critic Constantin M. Popa, a classicist, balanced spirit, who, together with the magazine's director, managed to imprint on the group of mosaicists that spirit of amenity and intellectual warmth without which cultural facts remain mere victories. statistics.
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