Apocalypse according to Shakespeare

By: W. Shakespeare,

Directed by: Janusz Wiśniewski

Duration: 85 min

Music: Jerzy Satanowski

Scenic Version: Janusz Wiśniewski

Genre of the show: drama

Assistant Director: Gina Călinoiu, Corina Druc

Technical direction: Mircea Vărzaru

Prompter: Bogdana Dumitriu

Photo: Florin Chirea

The renowned Polish director, twice laureate of the "First Fringe" Award (Edinburgh International Theater Festival, U.K.), chose to put on the Craiova stage a show based on texts from "Macbeth", "Richard III", "The Taming of the Shrew". scorpions", "Sonnets" (W. Shakespeare), "Advent", (W.H. Auden), "The Grandfathers" (Adam Mickiewicz), "Desiderata" (Max Ehrmann), but also texts from the Bible.
The music belongs to Jerzy Satanowski, and the show's choreography is provided by Emil Wesolowsky.
Assistant directors, Gina Călinoiu and Corina Druc.
Translation of the poem by W.H. Auden was made by the poet Ioana Ieronim.


"Apocalypse according to Shakespeare" brings before the viewer a multitude of pagan heresies descended directly from the prehistoric cult of the dead, which fix the relationship of the living with the ancestors. An army of souls in Purgatory traverses the show, oscillating through obscure areas, materializing from time to time in constant rhythms dictated by other worlds. The two realms, of the living and the dead, in permanent magical contact, intermingle until the borders melt, in a mix of past eras, each with the characters and color of the time: old women dressed with an interwar elegance, bands of soldiers, demons who they talk about the finitude and ephemerality of the human being, a group of pleasure-seeking ladies, doctors, exorcists, children with golden wings and feathers, brides, men with blood oozing from their temples, others in tuxedos and jackets, young couples, a nursing mother a red baby, exquisitely dressed women, who speak, each in their own way. The end will bring to the fore Lady Macduff, possessed by demons, and then Jesus on the cross who interrogates his Father as a simple man, with sweet words: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?". The fine work of the scenes, the shaking rhythm breaks, the deep dimension of the dialogue between man and God make "Apocalypse according to Shakespeare" a show of authentic aesthetic scope.
