The Bitter Lexicon


Claudiu Bleonț
Silvian Vâlcu
Ruxandra Maniu
Niko Becker
Eduard Trifa
Diana Gheorghian
Ionel mihăilescu
Ioan batinaș
ionuț Kivu
Virginia Rogin
Mădălina Ciotea
Sabrina Iașchevici
Anda Saltelechi
Antoaneta Zaharia
Ioana Mărcoiu
Crina Mureșan
Paula Niculiță
Relu Poalelungi

Collaborating actors

Claudiu Bleonț
Silvian Vâlcu
Ruxandra Maniu
Niko Becker
Eduard Trifa
Diana Gheorghian
Ionel mihăilescu
Ioan batinaș
ionuț Kivu
Virginia Rogin
Mădălina Ciotea
Sabrina Iașchevici
Anda Saltelechi
Antoaneta Zaharia
Ioana Mărcoiu
Crina Mureșan
Paula Niculiță
Relu Poalelungi

By: Sebastian-Vlad POPA și Laur CAVACHI

By Youth without old age and life without death by Petre Ispirescu

Directed by: Silviu PURCĂRETE

Set design Dragoș BUHAGIAR

Original music: Vasile ȘIRLI

Premiere date: 10 iulie 2024

Duration of the show: 2 hours and 5 minutes

Complex but also very complicated, mysterious and subversive, tender and political, full of depth but also joyful, the piece is inspired by one of the most beautiful texts written in the Romanian language: Petre Ispirescu's fairy tale -Youth without old age and life without death. This is not a dramatization of this narrative, but an independent text whose core is extracted from the heartbreaking story told by Ispirescu. (A folk tale? An invention?…)

Silviu Purcărete


The Amar Lexicon is a respectful theater script with the fundamental theme of the fairy tale Youth without old age and life without death by Petre Ispirescu: the establishment through the word and the relentlessness of the spoken word. But if the "contemporary" effect happens to seem strident to you, then the intention of the new text is in danger, because the authors Sebastian-Vlad Popa and Laur Cavachi do not pretend to have adapted the fairy tale to the jargon and recent sensibility directives. So everything that is expressed in the language of the world today, we hope, will result as a natural dilation of the concise and alert sequences from the classical text, through which the archetype comes and incorporates the present, and by no means the other way around. We hope that, in this way, the intensity of the obligatory relationship between the word (saying), prohibition and death has been maintained.

Decisive in relation to the destiny of this rewriting is the fact that it was requested, then received, then placed in the sensitive thinking of a creator with the exactingness and genius of Silviu Purcărete.

Sebastian-Vlad Popa and Laur Cavachi


This show is currently not playing.