By: Örkeny István, directed by Bocsárdi Laszló
Duration: 190 min
Version Scenic: Bocsárdi Laszló
Genre of the show: drama
Translation: Crista Bilciu
Decoration: Bartha Jószef
Costumes: Bajkó Blanka-Aliz
Assistant Director: Crista Bilciu
Asistent Set design: Gabriel Mănescu
Photo: Csiki Csaba, Florin Chirea
Video: Csiki Csaba, Florin Chirea
Assistant Director: Crista Bilciu
The Tót family, an ordinary one, has a son on the front. For his sake, in order to ensure the protection of his direct superior, his mother, father and sister house for two weeks the Major with shaken nerves on whom the fate of the son depends. His visit shatters a harmony, puts an end to a banal, nondescript existence, clearly oriented according to old customs. Tót Lajos, a firefighter, now retired, feels the aggression of the disaffected military, of History, in fact, but he endures, together with his family, so that everything will be fine for his son left at the front. A victim of history himself, man perverted by the senseless violence that is war, the Major becomes the executioner. The object of his passion becomes a poor endless box-making guillotine. The Major's madness gives birth to monsters, history goes awry, anonymous lives turn upside down and everything goes awry. When the postman opens the letter informing the family that the son is dead, the irreparable has already happened: in a fit of rage, revenge and revenge, Tót Lajos decapitates the military torturer on the cardboard box guillotine that was the object of fascination for the with war-torn nerves. A war that makes collateral casualties through the blind game of chance.
Örkény Istvan
Born in Budapest (April 5, 1912), Örkény Istvan studied chemical engineering after leaving school and then turned to pharmacy, graduating from the University of Budapest in 1934. He traveled to London in 1938 and lived in Paris doing odd jobs in 1939. In 1940, he continued his studies at the Technical University of Budapest, where he graduated in chemical engineering. He was sent to the front for labor service in 1942 and was captured as a prisoner of war in 1943. Returning to Hungary in 1946, he worked as a playwright editor for a theater company. In 1954, he started working as an independent editor for the Szépirodalmi (Literary) publishing house. Although Örkény tried to fulfill the demands of officially sanctioned Realist Socialism, his short story "Purple Ink" was attacked by the ideologues of the time. Örkény took part in the writers' opposition meetings, preceding the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Örkény was one of the party and non-party opposition writers elected to a new commission. When the revolution broke out, he formulated a statement condemning the role played until then by the radio, from which the following sentence became a current expression: "I lied at night, I lied during the day, I lied on every wavelength." After the suppression of the Revolution by to the Red Army, he and five other associates signed an open letter of self-criticism that was published in September 1957, in the first issue of the literary journal Kortárs (Contemporary); in the letter, they covered their behavior before and after the revolution. However, Örkény was excluded from the literary scene in 1957 and subjected to various publishing prohibitions. From 1958 to 1963, he worked at the Pharmaceutical and Nutritional Factory. In the second part of the 60s, the publication of his books was allowed again. His plays were repeated on stage. In 1966, the book The Princess of Jerusalem appeared, as well as the cycle of stories "Minut" and the short story The Cat Game. His drama The Tót Family was a big hit in 1967.
Bocsárdi László's name is linked to the most recent success of Craiova National. In 2012, he staged the play "Caligula", by Albert Camus, with an exceptional cast. The performance, acclaimed by the public and specialized critics, was awarded the UNITER Award in the category of best director, and the performer of the main role, Sorin Leoveanu, received the Award for the best actor. But Bocsárdi László has a long-term collaboration with the institution from Craiova: his first show staged here was "Năzdrăvanul Occidentului", by J.M. Synge, in the 2000-2001 season, and the second, "The Miser", by Moliére, premiered in the 2004-2005 season. Born in Târgu Mureº, in 1958, Bocsárdi László finished directing at the Academy of Theater Arts in Târgu-Mureº, Tompa Gábor's class, and in 2005 he became general director of the "Tamási Áron" Theater in Sfântu Gheorghe, an institution that still leads today.
He staged performances by important playwrights: Alfred Jarry, F.G. Lorca, Moliére, Lucian Blaga, Sophocles, William Shakespeare, Luigi Pirandello, Albert Camus, Gombrowicz, Nádas Péter, Ödön von Horváth.
His shows have participated in important theater festivals in Romania and Europe: "Polonia Express" Festival, Budapest, "Donaufest" Festival, Ulm, International Theater Festival, Sibiu, "Shakespeare" International Festival, Craiova, "Kontakt" Theater Festival ", Torun, Shakespeare Festival, Gdansk, Gombrowicz Festival, Radom, Shakespeare Festival, Gyula, National Theater Festival, Pécs, National Theater Festival, Bucharest.
He is a member of the UNITER Senate (Theatrical Union of Romania).
Luni-Vineri: 11:00- 19:00
Sâmbătă: 12:00- 19:00
Duminică: închis