Steps of the Union

„Treptele Unirii” face parte, alături de recitalul „Sunt suflet în sufletul neamului meu – Limba română este patria mea” al aceluiaşi actor, , dintr-un Proiect realizat în parteneriat de Teatrul Naţional „Marin Sorescu” Craiova şi Teatrul Nottara din Bucureşti, dedicat sărbătoririi Centenarului făuririi Marii Uniri şi desăvârşirii Statului Naţional Unitar Român.

It should be mentioned that "Treptele Unirii", directed by Alexandru Mâzgăreanu, premiered in 2017 at the XXI Congress of Romanian Spirituality in Alba Iulia and was presented at the Nottara Theater in Bucharest and at the "Marin Sorescu" National Theater ” Craiova during the 5th edition of the "Adrian Păunescu" International Festival.

The "Stairs of the Union" recital was also presented in Paris, Brussels, The Hague and Vienna, at the invitation of the Romanian Cultural Institutes in Paris, Brussels and Vienna and the Romanian Embassies in France, Belgium, Holland and Austria.

Referring to the scenario of the "Stairs of the Union" recital, Academician Răzvan Theodorescu said: "From the Romanian ethnogenesis until today, passing through the epic of the struggle for independence and for union, the verses of the Romanian poets chosen by Emil Boroghină represent a crown on the head of eternal Romania", and the well-known theater critic Doina Papp wrote immediately after the performance in Bucharest: "The Treptele Unirii recital comes to welcome the Centenary in 2018. More than 30 poets have mixed their voices in this hymn, sometimes liturgical, sometimes triumphant, sometimes melancholic, sometimes joyous and pure like the one in popular poetry, to strengthen the constancy of a consciousness of race that we sometimes pretend we have lost because it is hard for us to bear it. I would have liked to separate a red thread from the thoughtful message of the recital that the actor Emil Boroghină gives us together with the testimony of the soul of the good Romanian that he is. I chose this one. You have the right to look for that of Ariadne by listening to the actor".

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