The critic Constantin M. Popa evoked at T.N. "Marin Sorescu" - volume "Closing the circle" (returns required), Ed. Aius 2023

The teacher and literary critic Constantin M. Popa (1943-2016) will be evoked by writers and close collaborators during the event occasioned by the launch of the volume of critical returns, Closing the circle" (Ed. Aius 2023). It will take place in the foyer of the Craiova National, Friday, January 12, at 4:30 p.m. The writers Xenia Negrea, Mihaela Albu, Gela Enea, Nicolae Marinescu, Marius Dobrin, Toma Grigorie, Nicolae Marinescu will give speeches and present the figure of the chronicler and writer. Moderator of the event, Nicolae Coande.

A prominent figure of Craiova's literary and cultural life, Constantin M. Popa would have turned 80 last year. Between 1998-2016, he was editor-in-chief of Mozaicul magazine, in the new series edited by a handful of intrepid cultural people. The edition is edited by Prof. Nicolae Marinescu, director of Mozaicul magazine, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the publication of the new series of the magazine.

In 2007, Professor Constantin M. Popa made this confession: "Why the new Mosaic? Why do we love the Mosaic? I am looking for an identification and a context in these two questions, an emphasis of my own intended to reveal the impulse towards the authentic living of culture... […] Because from the expressive noise of the ensemble, I discern expectations, curiosity, nostalgia, joys, irritations, calls full of confidence in competence, wide-ranging understanding, cooperation, in the right of everyone's opinion, in the idea that we are needed. Because the Mosaic, by facing conservative resistances and excessively indignant modesty, marks a change of guard. Finally, because from the 100 numbers of the new series, an exorbitant 6,400-page Book has been structured in the background, and in which, as it grows, we will move gradually."

An important part of this Book was written and signed by Constantin M. Popa, and the volume that will be launched at National proves it to those who want to perceive the dimension of the activity of a columnist devoted to literature and writers from Romania.


Constantin M. Popa was born on September 1, 1943 in Brasov. He attended School no. 10 "Tudor Vladimirescu" from Craiova and of the "Nicolae Bălcescu" High School (now "Carol I" College) from Craiova. He was a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of the "Babeş-Bolyai" University in Cluj Napoca, and a doctorate in philology of the University of Craiova. He was also a teacher of Romanian language and literature at Filiaşi, Şimnicu de Sus, the "Constantin Brâncuşi" Arts and Crafts High School in Craiova, the "Alexandru Macedonski" School in Craiova and the "Buzeşti Brothers" College in Craiova. He made his journalistic debut in the magazine "Tribuna" (1965), and his editorial debut was in 1980 with the volume of critical essays "Replay" (Editura Litera, Bucharest, 1980). He owned the literary chronicle at "Ramuri" (1976-1977); chief editor of "Mozaicul" magazine (since 1998). He made his debut in poetry at the age of 70 with the volume of poems "My loving frowns" (Aius Publishing House, "Poems" Collection, 2014). Constantin M. Popa was awarded the Prize of the Craiova branch of the Writers' Union (1997), the "Şerban Cioculescu" Prize for literary criticism and history of the "Scrisul Românesc" Foundation (1997) and the "Petre Pandrea" Prize for literature of "Mozaicul" magazine (2000).

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