2011-2014 Master in Actor's Art, University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, Department of Arts
Graduate of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters, Department of Arts, class of 2011
Actress of the "Marin Sorescu" National Theatre in Craiova since 2016
Nomination for the UNITER Award 2021, category best actress in a supporting role, for the interpretation of the role of Alexandra in the show Heart and other meat dishes, by dan Coman, directed by Radu Afrim
UNITER Award 2023 for the BEST ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE, for the role of Elida Wangel, in the play "The Woman of the Sea" by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Andriy Zholdak.
The Undertaker, The Queen of the Play – Hamlet,by William Shakespeare, directed by Declan Donnellan
Cornwall, Edgar, Poor Tom –King Learafter William Shakespeare, directed by Tang Shu-wing, production in partnership with Hong Kong's Tang Shu-wing Theater Studio
Denisa - "Băgău" by Ioana Bradea, directed by Cristina Giurgea, 2022-2023, premiere December 22, 2022
Employee, Patient - "Anomaly" by Joanna Kowalska, directed by Natasza Soltanowicz, 2023-2024, premiere October 20, 2023
She - "Old Snows" by Dumitru Solomon, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, season 2022 - 2023, premiere June 24, 2023
Élise – „Avarul” by Molière, directed by Felix Alexa, season 2022-2023, premiere 15, 16 Oct. 2022
Ellida Wangel – "The Woman of the Sea" by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Andriy Zholdak, season 2021-2022, premiere February 5, 2022
Ruxi the puppy, Backing vocals, Kikky, Frightened dogs, Village woman – “Dog with man. Dog without man." by Lia Bugnar, Dan Coman, Simona Goshu, Maria Manolescu, Oana Pellea, Radu Tudoran and Radu Afrim, directed by Radu Afrim, season 2021-2022, premiere October 9, 2021
Costinela – „VIVA LA VULVA!”, versuri Marius Aldea, concept, regie și coregrafie Andrea Gavriliu, stagiunea 2020-2021, premiera 24 Aprilie 2021
Lili – „Toc Toc” by Laurent Baffie, directed by Alexandru Boureanu and Raluca Păun, season 2020-2021, premiere February 12, 2021
Rowena Selby – „Gândește-te la Africa” by Gordon Dryland, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2020-2021 season, premiere 18 December 2020
Alexandra/ alte personaje – „Inimă și alte preparate din carne” de Dan Coman, regia Radu Afrim, stagiunea 2020-2021, premiera 3 octombrie 2020
Woman - "Playground" by Raul Coldea, directed by Raul Coldea, season 2019-2020, premiere December 6, 2019
Annie Jaquet – „1,2,3…Bébé” by André Roussin, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2019-2020, premiere September 28, 2019
Costinela – „Retroelectro” by Bogdan Georgescu, directed by Bogdan Georgescu, season 2018-2019, premiere October 19, 2018
Tânăra – „Bătrânul și eutanasierul” by Ionel Bușe, directed by Vlad Drăgulescu, 2017-2018 season, premiere 20 June 2018
Ana – "The plague" de Ion Luca Caragiale, regia Kincses Elemér, stagiunea 2017-2018, premiera 25 noiembrie 2017
Helena – „Nopți ateniene” after William Shakespeare, directed by Charles Chemin, season 2017-2018, premiere March 30, 2018
Femeia – „Contra libertății” de Esteve Soler, regia Bobi Pricop, stagiunea 2017-2018, spectacol lectură 1 februarie 2018
Wanda Serafim – „Gaițele” de Alexandru Kirițescu, regia Alexandru Boureanu, stagiunea 2017-2018, premiera 22 septembrie 2017
Gravida – „Dacă am gândi cu voce tare” by Adnan Lugonić, directed by Radu Afrim, 2016-2017 season, premiere 6 May 2017
Maids 1 - Bloody Wedding by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Andrei Măjeri, 2016-2017 season, premiere February 26, 2017
In chorus - "Clouds" by Aristophanes, directed by Hakob Ghazanchian, season 2016-2017, premiere November 27, 2016
Verocica - "A Month in the Country" by Ivan Sergheevich Turgenev, directed by Cristi Juncu, 2016-2017 season, premiere October 11, 2016
Baba's Girl/ Fântâna – "Santa's Girl and Midwife's Girl" by Bogdan Ulmu after Ion Creangă, directed by Raluca Păun, season 2015-2016, premiere March 31, 2016
Rhino Head - "Rhinos" by Eugéne Ionescu, directed by Robert Willson, 2013-2014 season, premiere July 2, 2014
Mater Dolorosa – "The Apocalypse According to Shakespeare" by Janusz Wiśniewski, directed by Janusz Wiśniewski, season 2012-2013, premiere 22 December 2012
Bee/ Fata Ghionoaiei/ Fairy – "Youth without old age and life without death" by Petre Ispirescu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, season 2011-2012, premiere January 19, 2012
Sorina (Zâna florilor) – „Înşir-te Mărgărite” by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Alexandru Boureanu, 2008-2009 season, premiere 15 February 2009
Governess - "Fairy of Dolls" by Josef Bajer, directed and choreographed by Francisk Valkay, Romanian Opera Craiova
John - „Peter Pan” by Laurențiu Profeta, directed by Migry Avram Nicolau, Romanian Opera Craiova
Gabriela Popescu - "Pets" , directed by Florin Paraschivu
Titania - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, directed by Alina Rece
Bebe - “Bebe’s trip” by Ștefan Peca, directed by Dragoş Andronie
Anca - "The Scourge" by Ion Luca Caragiale, directed by Ion Dore and Aurel Palade, Jean Bart Theater, Tulcea
Hangiţa / Tisbea - "The whole world is a scene and all people are actors" , directed by Alina Rece
Actor - "Impro-Show Craiova" , improvisation show
Lora - "Stars in the Morning Sky" by Alexandr Galin, directed by Alexandru Boureanu
Mim - “Days of Happiness” , street show based on pantomime and improvisation, I.S.Dăgulescu Association
Dancer - "NOW - dreams and saves" , dance-theater show, I.S. Dragulescu Association
Puck/ Helena – „Visul unei nopţi de vară” de William Shakespeare, regia Florin Paraschivu
Roberta - “Jacques or Submission” by Eugéne Ionesco, directed by Adrian Andone
Dancer - “First Step” , street dance show, I.S.Dăgulescu Association
The Architect - “The Homeless Killer” by Eugéne Ionesco, directed by Alina Rece
Nina– "The Seagull" by Anton Pavlovici Chekhov, directed by Mirela Ciobă
Luni-Vineri: 11:00- 19:00
Sâmbătă: 12:00- 19:00
Duminică: închis